Интерактивный тест по теме «Погода»Фазлыева Наталья АзифовнаУчитель английского языкаМКОУ СОШ № 8 г.Бакала Челябинской области В 4 классе по УМК «Enjoy English»
Travelling with Mickey Mouse
Choose the picture :It is foggy.
It is summer.
Choose the ending:In summer it is hot and I can …skate swim ski
Choose the ending:In winter I can…SwimSkateGather mushrooms
Choose the ending:In Russia in summer it is
Choose the word: It is
Choosy the right verb:Tomorrow it sunny.
Choose the verb:Today it windy.
Choose the word:It is
Think a little!
Well done!!!
You are right!
Try again!
Well done !You are the best! Let`s sing together!