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Презентация на тему: Who knows The United Kindom?

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Презентация на тему: Who knows The United Kindom?

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№ слайда 1 Who knows THE UNITED KINDOM? QUIZАвторы: Лаворова Татьяна Ивановна, учитель англ
Описание слайда:

Who knows THE UNITED KINDOM? QUIZАвторы: Лаворова Татьяна Ивановна, учитель английского языкаГейнц Анастасия, ученица 11Б класса

№ слайда 2 Choose your question
Описание слайда:

Choose your question

№ слайда 3 «10»What are the capitals of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland? The
Описание слайда:

«10»What are the capitals of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland? The capital of … …Scotland is Edinburgh …Wales is Cardiff …England is London …Northern Ireland is Belfast

№ слайда 4 «10» What are the floral symbols of England and Scotland?England’s floral symbol
Описание слайда:

«10» What are the floral symbols of England and Scotland?England’s floral symbol is a red rose.Scotland’s floral symbol is thistle.

№ слайда 5 «10» What are the floral symbols of Wales and Northern Ireland?The Welsh symbol
Описание слайда:

«10» What are the floral symbols of Wales and Northern Ireland?The Welsh symbol is Leek or Daffodil.The Irish symbol is Shamrock.

№ слайда 6 «10» Who is the official head of the UK?the Queen
Описание слайда:

«10» Who is the official head of the UK?the Queen

№ слайда 7 «15» Where is from Loch Ness Monster?From Scotland
Описание слайда:

«15» Where is from Loch Ness Monster?From Scotland

№ слайда 8 «15» When do children go “trick or treat”?October 31st
Описание слайда:

«15» When do children go “trick or treat”?October 31st

№ слайда 9 «15» The flag of which country features a dragon?Flag of Wales features dragon.
Описание слайда:

«15» The flag of which country features a dragon?Flag of Wales features dragon.

№ слайда 10 «15» What is the name of the place?TOWER OF LONDON
Описание слайда:

«15» What is the name of the place?TOWER OF LONDON

№ слайда 11 «20» What political system does the UK belong to ?Constitutional monarchy
Описание слайда:

«20» What political system does the UK belong to ?Constitutional monarchy

№ слайда 12 This is a flag of…Northern Ireland
Описание слайда:

This is a flag of…Northern Ireland

№ слайда 13 «20» In what country do men wear skirts?In Scotland
Описание слайда:

«20» In what country do men wear skirts?In Scotland

№ слайда 14 «20» Who is patron saint of England? St. George
Описание слайда:

«20» Who is patron saint of England? St. George

№ слайда 15 «5» What is the capital of the United Kingdom?London
Описание слайда:

«5» What is the capital of the United Kingdom?London

№ слайда 16 «5» What four historic parts does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northe
Описание слайда:

«5» What four historic parts does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of?England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

№ слайда 17 «5» What is the poetic name of Great Britain? Albion
Описание слайда:

«5» What is the poetic name of Great Britain? Albion

№ слайда 18 «5»How is the flag of the UK called?Union Jack
Описание слайда:

«5»How is the flag of the UK called?Union Jack

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