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Презентация на тему: Aquitaine – the fortune and the will

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Презентация на тему: Aquitaine – the fortune and the will

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№ слайда 1 Aquitaine – the fortune and the will
Описание слайда:

Aquitaine – the fortune and the will

№ слайда 2 Contents IntroductionChildhoodQueen of FranceQueen of EnglandThe queen’s wordCon
Описание слайда:

Contents IntroductionChildhoodQueen of FranceQueen of EnglandThe queen’s wordConclusion

№ слайда 3 Introduction Eleanor of Aquitaine – the Queen of two countries – England and Fra
Описание слайда:

Introduction Eleanor of Aquitaine – the Queen of two countries – England and France.

№ слайда 4 Childhood TROUBADOURS – Provencal poets-singers XI-XIII centuries. They made son
Описание слайда:

Childhood TROUBADOURS – Provencal poets-singers XI-XIII centuries. They made songs and poems about courtly love of knights and pleasures of life. The word "troubadour" came from Provencal "trobar" - to find, compose verses.

№ слайда 5 The lands Eleanor got after her father’s death.
Описание слайда:

The lands Eleanor got after her father’s death.

№ слайда 6 Queen of France Married 12 July 1137 King of France Louis VII (1120 –1180) Elean
Описание слайда:

Queen of France Married 12 July 1137 King of France Louis VII (1120 –1180) Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine (1122 – 1204)

№ слайда 7 In 1144 The French and Germans started The Second Crusade.
Описание слайда:

In 1144 The French and Germans started The Second Crusade.

№ слайда 8 Marie Capet (1145 – 1198) Alix of France (1151 – 1197)
Описание слайда:

Marie Capet (1145 – 1198) Alix of France (1151 – 1197)

№ слайда 9 Queen of England Married 18 May 1152 King of England Henry II (1133 – 1189) Elea
Описание слайда:

Queen of England Married 18 May 1152 King of England Henry II (1133 – 1189) Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine (1122 – 1204)

№ слайда 10 King of England Henry II (1133 – 1189) Matilda, Duchess of Saxony (1156 – 1189)
Описание слайда:

King of England Henry II (1133 – 1189) Matilda, Duchess of Saxony (1156 – 1189) Richard I the Lionheart (1157 – 1199) Joan, Queen of Sicily(1165 – 1199) Eleanor, Queen of Castile (1162 – 1214) Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany(1158 – 1186) William IX(1153 – 1156) John of England (1167 – 1216) Henry the Young King(1155 – 1183)Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine (1122 – 1204)

№ слайда 11 King’s mistress Rosamondwas very young and beautiful. The legend says that Elean
Описание слайда:

King’s mistress Rosamondwas very young and beautiful. The legend says that Eleanor ordered to give Rosamond some poison.

№ слайда 12 The queen’s word King of England Richard I (1157 –1199)
Описание слайда:

The queen’s word King of England Richard I (1157 –1199)

№ слайда 13 ConclusionHouse of Plantagenet
Описание слайда:

ConclusionHouse of Plantagenet

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