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Презентация на тему: Russian holidays

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Презентация на тему: Russian holidays

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№ слайда 1 Russian holidays It is a tradition to give greeting cards on these holidays. Her
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Russian holidays It is a tradition to give greeting cards on these holidays. Here you can see some of them.Работу подготовила Игнатьева Е.Т.Учитель английского языка

№ слайда 2 Calendar of holidays 1.New Year- January,12.Christmas-January,73.Fatherland Defe
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Calendar of holidays 1.New Year- January,12.Christmas-January,73.Fatherland Defender’s Day-February,234.Women’s Day –March,85.Maslenitsa 6.Easter7.May Day( Spring and Labor Day)-May,18.Victory Day-May,99.Russia Day-June,1210.Day of Knowledge-September,111.Unity Day-November,411.Mother’s Day-November,the last Sunday

№ слайда 3 New Year New Year’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January. People gather at mi
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New Year New Year’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January. People gather at midnight on New Year’s Eve to drink a toast to the coming year. They all hope that the coming year will bring luck to their families and friends .It is a tradition to decorate New Year’s tree with toys, colored lights and sweets. Each family prepare their holiday supper and lay the table. Five minutes before midnight people open a bottle of champagne and when they hear the chimes of the Kremlin Tower Clock at midnight, they drank a toast to the New Year. They wish “A Happy New Year” to one another and real celebrating begins with a lot of good eating.

№ слайда 4 Christmas In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7. On Christmas people ce
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Christmas In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7. On Christmas people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ .It is a religious holiday. This holiday have become the day of family reunion, relax and happiness.

№ слайда 5 Fatherland Defender’s Day On 23 February, Russia honors those who are presently
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Fatherland Defender’s Day On 23 February, Russia honors those who are presently serving in the Armed Forces and those who have served in the past. During the era of the Soviet Union, it was called“Red Army Day” or the “Day of the Soviet Army and Navy” (celebrating the day of the first mass draft of the Red Army in Petrograd and Moscow or the first combat action against the invading German forces). On this day all male citizens, from young boys to old men, receive congratulations and presents, and military men greet each other.

№ слайда 6 Women’s Day It is celebrated on the 8th of March. The children give their mother
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Women’s Day It is celebrated on the 8th of March. The children give their mothers some presents, greeting cards or flowers. Each family have a nice party.

№ слайда 7 Maslenitsa This holiday lasts for a week. Russian people celebrate it at the end
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Maslenitsa This holiday lasts for a week. Russian people celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. They say “goodbye” to winter in these days. During the “Maslenitsa week” they always cook pancakes. It is a tradition to cook pancakes and eat them with fish, sour cream, honey, sugar, butter.People prepare fires and burn straw scarecrows of winter

№ слайда 8 Easter It is a religious holiday. Easter symbolizes the Revival Of Jesus Christ.
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Easter It is a religious holiday. Easter symbolizes the Revival Of Jesus Christ. Easter has been celebrated widely only for the past several years, after Soviet times ceased. The Soviet Times forbad religious practices .After the church got its po back it became much easier for citizens to express their beliefs. So nowadays many people go to the church on this holiday and enjoy a joyful day with family. They greet each other with coloured eggs and make an Easter cookie. People here eat cookie with cottage cheese and raisins.

№ слайда 9 May Day (Spring and Labor Day) May Day is celebrated on the 1st of May. It origi
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May Day (Spring and Labor Day) May Day is celebrated on the 1st of May. It originated in the USA in 1886 when the workers demanded an eight-hour working day. In fact, it is the international holiday of the working people .A couple of years ago people used to go to demonstrations to show their solidarity with the working class all over the world. They would sing patriotic songs and carry slogans and flags. But nowadays there are no demonstrations, and people can enjoy wonderful weather and have a time in a company of good friends.

№ слайда 10 Victory Day One day unites all the nations and religious of Russia. It is May 9t
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Victory Day One day unites all the nations and religious of Russia. It is May 9th or Victory Day. On June22nd,1941, the Soviet Union was attacked by Germany. The war against the invaders for freedom and independence was called Great Patriotic War. The agressor was defeated but the cost of the victory was too high. Over 27 million people of our country were killed during the war, both soldiers and civilians, the country was ruined. It was the greatest tragedy in the history of Russia. Victory Day is truly a holiday with tears in people’s eyes. Every year thousands of people go to the monuments to those who died in the war ant put flowers in their memory.

№ слайда 11 Russia Day It is a holiday of national unity celebrated on June,12. On this day,
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Russia Day It is a holiday of national unity celebrated on June,12. On this day, in 1990, Russian Parliament formally declared its sovereignty. On the 12th of June 1992, the first President of Russia was elected. The holiday was officially established in 1994. Initially it was named “Day of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation”, on 1 February 2002 was officially renamed to “Russia Day”.

№ слайда 12 Day of Knowledge September,1 is the Day of Knowledge, the holiday of the beginni
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Day of Knowledge September,1 is the Day of Knowledge, the holiday of the beginning of a new academic year, first of all for the students and instructors of all educational levels. Traditionally on this day schools conduct celebrations, dedicated to the beginning of a new academic year. First-graders are being especially celebrated.

№ слайда 13 Mother’s day It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November .On these days chil
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Mother’s day It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November .On these days children give thanks for the support, love, care, and guidance which these special people provide. Children often make Mother’s Day gifts in school. They also buy greeting cards and make special dinner.

№ слайда 14 Unity Day It was first celebrated in 2005, commemorates the popular uprising led
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Unity Day It was first celebrated in 2005, commemorates the popular uprising led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky which ejected the polish invaders from Moscow in November of 1612,and more generally the end of Time of Troubles and foreign intervention in Russia. The event was remarked by public holiday which was held in Russia on October 22 (old style) from 1649 till 1917.

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