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Презентация на тему: The wonder of the 20th century and the reality of the 21st century

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Презентация на тему: The wonder of the 20th century and the reality of the 21st century

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№ слайда 1 The wonder of the 20th century and the reality of the 21st century The author of
Описание слайда:

The wonder of the 20th century and the reality of the 21st century The author of the project:Alyona Zaitseva,Novolyadiskaya School

№ слайда 2 The hypothesis The wonder has no demerits, the reality is full of demerits.
Описание слайда:

The hypothesis The wonder has no demerits, the reality is full of demerits.

№ слайда 3 What is the mobile phone ?2. When was the mobile phone created?3. How did the mo
Описание слайда:

What is the mobile phone ?2. When was the mobile phone created?3. How did the mobile phone develop?4. What illnesses are caused by the mobile phone?5. What is the mobile etiquette?

№ слайда 4 is a short-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication
Описание слайда:

is a short-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication overa network of specialised base stations known as cell sites.

№ слайда 5 SMS voice calls games bluetooth multimedia Internet MMS
Описание слайда:

SMS voice calls games bluetooth multimedia Internet MMS

№ слайда 6 3 April, 1973 Motorola 1.15 kg 23x13x4 Dr Martin Cooper
Описание слайда:

3 April, 1973 Motorola 1.15 kg 23x13x4 Dr Martin Cooper

№ слайда 7 too big too heavy too expensive
Описание слайда:

too big too heavy too expensive

Описание слайда:


№ слайда 9 light small inexpensive
Описание слайда:

light small inexpensive

№ слайда 10 “Illnesses caused by mobile phones” “The mobile etiquette”
Описание слайда:

“Illnesses caused by mobile phones” “The mobile etiquette”

№ слайда 11 cancer of brain high pressure leukaemia loss of coordinationloss of memory disor
Описание слайда:

cancer of brain high pressure leukaemia loss of coordinationloss of memory disorder of sleepheadache

№ слайда 12 96% of my classmates use their mobile phones much longer
Описание слайда:

96% of my classmates use their mobile phones much longer

№ слайда 13 The most popular mobile phones producers
Описание слайда:

The most popular mobile phones producers

№ слайда 14 The distribution by SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)
Описание слайда:

The distribution by SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)

№ слайда 15
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 16 The mobile etiquette
Описание слайда:

The mobile etiquette

№ слайда 17 №1Speak on the mobile phone in a low voice
Описание слайда:

№1Speak on the mobile phone in a low voice

№ слайда 18 №2Make your mobile phone noiseless during business meetings, lessons, performanc
Описание слайда:

№2Make your mobile phone noiseless during business meetings, lessons, performances, concerts, cinema shows

№ слайда 19 №3Don`t speak on the mobile phone and at the same time keep a conversation
Описание слайда:

№3Don`t speak on the mobile phone and at the same time keep a conversation

№ слайда 20 №4In a case of a missed call which number is on the display, recall only if this
Описание слайда:

№4In a case of a missed call which number is on the display, recall only if this telephone number is well-known for you

№ слайда 21 №5Don`t put your mobile phone on a table in a restaurant or café
Описание слайда:

№5Don`t put your mobile phone on a table in a restaurant or café

№ слайда 22 №6Take photos of someone using your mobile phone only if you ask a permission. R
Описание слайда:

№6Take photos of someone using your mobile phone only if you ask a permission. Respect the private life of other people

№ слайда 23 №7Don`t listen to music too loudly in public places. Not all people share your m
Описание слайда:

№7Don`t listen to music too loudly in public places. Not all people share your music liking

№ слайда 24 danger for human health ignorance or disregarding of the mobile etiquette
Описание слайда:

danger for human health ignorance or disregarding of the mobile etiquette

№ слайда 25 The wonder has no demerits, the reality is full of demerits.
Описание слайда:

The wonder has no demerits, the reality is full of demerits.

№ слайда 26 Recourses http://yandex.ruhttp://rambler.ruhttp://google.ruhttp://ru.wikipedia.o
Описание слайда:

Recourses http://yandex.ruhttp://rambler.ruhttp://google.ruhttp://ru.wikipedia.orghttp://radiovred.narod.ruhttp://antiukurik.narod.ruhttp://pravda.ruhttp://alatur.narod.ruhttp://electrosmog.by.ruhttp://www.km.ruhttp://www.ixbt.comhttp://www.izvestia.ruhttp://www.rokf.ru

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