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Презентация на тему: MMC Nornikel.plc

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Презентация на тему: MMC Nornikel.plc

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№ слайда 1 MMC Nornikel.plc
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MMC Nornikel.plc

№ слайда 2 About company «Mountain-metallurgical company Norilsk nickel.plc» and its subsid
Описание слайда:

About company «Mountain-metallurgical company Norilsk nickel.plc» and its subsidiaries “Interros” are the largest international manufacturer of a palladium and nickel, one of leading manufacturers of platinum and copper. Besides it the Company makes set of other metals, such as silver, gold.

№ слайда 3 Structure The Company has difficult structure. Structure MMH “Nornikel" includes
Описание слайда:

Structure The Company has difficult structure. Structure MMH “Nornikel" includes more than ten manufactures on which works about 450 thousand persons. Largest of them - Norilsk mountain-metallurgical combine on which share 65-70 % of economic potential of holding are necessary.

№ слайда 4 Structure The basic structural divisions of Group are the Polar subsidiaries and
Описание слайда:

Structure The basic structural divisions of Group are the Polar subsidiaries and “Kola mountain-metallurgical company”. The Polar Subsidiary is located on Tajmyrsky peninsula. Transport communication of branch with other regions of the country is carried out on the river Yenisei and Northern Sea Way, and also by means of air. Kola MMK it is located on Kola Peninsula and is a leading industrial complex of Murmansk area. The separate subsidiaries of the company are engaged in search, investigation, extraction, and metallurgical processing of minerals, production, marketing and realization of colour and precious metals.

№ слайда 5
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№ слайда 6 Subsidiaries
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№ слайда 7
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№ слайда 8 Production kinds NickelSilverPalladiumCopperCobaltTelluriumPlatinumRhodiumGold
Описание слайда:

Production kinds NickelSilverPalladiumCopperCobaltTelluriumPlatinumRhodiumGold

№ слайда 9 RTC It is Russian fond market
Описание слайда:

RTC It is Russian fond market

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