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Презентация на тему: Microsoft corporation

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Презентация на тему: Microsoft corporation

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№ слайда 1 Russian State University for Business Orenburg Bran The Company Activity & Organ
Описание слайда:

Russian State University for Business Orenburg Bran The Company Activity & Organizational Structure: Microsoft corporation Aleksandr Stepanov First year studies Finance Department Supervisor: O. N. Safonova

№ слайда 2 171789, h. 434, Gagarin Street, Washington, USA.Tel./Fax: (3527) 37 – 73 – 37Ema
Описание слайда:

171789, h. 434, Gagarin Street, Washington, USA.Tel./Fax: (3527) 37 – 73 – 37Email: [email protected] My name Aleksandr Stepanov-let me tell you about the story of Microsoft. In 1899 a company was established in USA, near Canada primarily for introductions of new computer programs, To head the company Microsoft Bill Gates, the richest man in the world. In 1920 Microsoft has created a market that is impenetrable to any other company except for itself. . With a market value that far outstrips its racing sales. Over the year, the company diversified its activities to all areas of the business.Microsoft is the world's №1 software company. Its software includes the Windows operating systems, Excel spreadsheets, word-processing programs, and reference works. These companies operated in USA, Russia, Brazil, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Great Britain eats.Company Microsoft the founder which is Bill Gates is today one of largest USA industrial concerns and of the elite group of leading international on software. It"s Mr. Bill Gates job to :1-don work long hours. 2-must not be late for work. 3-can entertain visitors to get to work. 4- don't smoke at work. 5-must visit clients.

№ слайда 3
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№ слайда 4 Organizational StructureThe organization structure of company Microsoft depends
Описание слайда:

Organizational StructureThe organization structure of company Microsoft depends on different matters ,such as-size of the company ,type of ownership ,availability of regional divisions , etc . But most of the companies have certain usual functions I showed on the Organizational Chart . Job Descriptions are attached below . is the highest level in the organizational structure of any corporation. Usually from four to nine owners with the largest number or shares get elected to the board of Directors. -is appointed by the Board of Directors for a certain period of time. He is responsible for managing the company , fulfilling the main strategy and developing business . He reports to the Board of Directors and shareholders. is responsible for Finance and Accounting Function. The have to provide them with accurate and management reports in a timely manner . Manager use financial data for decision making purposes . Budget group develops plans and budgets. is the Head of the Personnel Department. The Personnel Department is dealing with issues of personnel training ,hiring policies ,defining reward systems for people from different departments and divisions.

№ слайда 5 Speed development of the company
Описание слайда:

Speed development of the company

№ слайда 6 Used production in the countries
Описание слайда:

Used production in the countries

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