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Презентация на тему: Subcultures

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Презентация на тему: Subcultures

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№ слайда 1 PRESENTATION FOR THE STUDENTS OF THE 10th FORM The teacher : Mikhailova V.A.
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№ слайда 2 What is SUBCULTURE? Subculture is a group (within a society) of persons of the s
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What is SUBCULTURE? Subculture is a group (within a society) of persons of the same age, social or economic status, ethnic background, etc. and having its own interests, goals, etc.

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№ слайда 4 Why do teens join subcultures? To identify with a particular subculture To rebel
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Why do teens join subcultures? To identify with a particular subculture To rebel against a society To protest against the older generation To reject everything Not to conform to society standards To try out all sorts of options To show strong physical force To express themselves, their own identity

№ слайда 5 The features of different subcultures
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The features of different subcultures

№ слайда 6 Emos Emo is a modern subculture which appeared in Europe in 1980s.А new wave of
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Emos Emo is a modern subculture which appeared in Europe in 1980s.А new wave of Emos is coming nowadays. Have you seen them ?

№ слайда 7 Emos love dark places. They are often found in large, expensive mansions living
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Emos love dark places. They are often found in large, expensive mansions living with their parents. They go to their local high school. They soon fall into deep depression and then hang out with their friends outside.

№ слайда 8 Emos love to wear black clothing mixed with smaller amounts of shockingly bright
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Emos love to wear black clothing mixed with smaller amounts of shockingly bright colors, especially, but not limited to, their hair.

№ слайда 9 You know who was Emo? Hitler. You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?
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You know who was Emo? Hitler. You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?

№ слайда 10 Hippie or hippy – a person whose behaviour, dress, use of drugs, etc., implied a
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Hippie or hippy – a person whose behaviour, dress, use of drugs, etc., implied a rejection of conventional values.

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№ слайда 15 Goths
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№ слайда 16 Goths appreciate everything, connected with love and death. Their point of view
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Goths appreciate everything, connected with love and death. Their point of view on life can be called as «depressive romantism». They find loneliness, passionate love with a tragic end beautiful and fascinating. Goths appreciate everything, connected with love and death. Their point of view on life can be called as «depressive romantism». They find loneliness, passionate love with a tragic end beautiful and fascinating.

№ слайда 17 A true Goth must be thin, tall and as pale as possible. Goths’ style is unique.
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A true Goth must be thin, tall and as pale as possible. Goths’ style is unique. They are known as people wearing black clothes and a lot of silver jewelleries. They can also use red, white and grey colours in their style.

№ слайда 18 Usually members of this subculture dye their hair and nails in black . They have
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Usually members of this subculture dye their hair and nails in black . They have slim bodies, and a fantastic make -up. Sometimes Goths pierce their lips, noses or eyebrows. The main idea of their style is to look like vampires, witches or black magicians.

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№ слайда 20 Biker is a member of a motorcycle gang.
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Biker is a member of a motorcycle gang.

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№ слайда 22 Ravers Raver - a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life, especially
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Ravers Raver - a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life, especially attending "Rave" parties "Рейв" (от англ. rave - бредить, бред, бессвязная речь, также: неистовствовать, реветь, выть, бушевать, говорить с энтузиазмом) трактуется в "Словаре современного сленга" Т. Торна как «дикая вечеринка» (a wild party), танцы или ситуация отчаянного поведения"

№ слайда 23 They use computer-made, synthesized music and drugs to create massive all-night
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They use computer-made, synthesized music and drugs to create massive all-night dance parties in empty warehouse.

№ слайда 24 Skinhead is a member of an international youth subculture characterized by hair
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Skinhead is a member of an international youth subculture characterized by hair and dress styles evoking aggression and physical toughness. Typical skinhead style includes shaved heads, combat boots, tattoos, and prominent body piercings.

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№ слайда 26 Chealsea girls A smartly dressed skinhead girl needs shiny boots or shoes, nylon
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Chealsea girls A smartly dressed skinhead girl needs shiny boots or shoes, nylons, and a plaid skirt. Chelseas are female skinheads. The Name is derived from the typical skinhead haircut, short on top and longer around the sides. True skinhead girls are rare because it is difficult to be a Skinhead and a Woman

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№ слайда 29 Hacker - a person that hacks, a computer fanatic, esp. one who through a persona
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Hacker - a person that hacks, a computer fanatic, esp. one who through a personal computer breaks into the computer system of a company, government. They are the wizards of computer community. People with deep understanding of their computers can do things with them that seem magical

№ слайда 30 Mods Mod (or Modernism or sometimes Modism) was a lifestyle based around fashion
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Mods Mod (or Modernism or sometimes Modism) was a lifestyle based around fashion and music that developed in London in the late 1950s and reached its peak in the early to mid 1960s. People who followed this lifestyle were known as Mods. This later spawned (порождать) the Skinhead.

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