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Презентация на тему: My impressions about Scottish festival

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Презентация на тему: My impressions about Scottish festival

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№ слайда 1 My impressions about Scottish festival. Author Al-Mikati DanaMoscow, School 1693
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My impressions about Scottish festival. Author Al-Mikati DanaMoscow, School 1693 the 6th class

№ слайда 2 Mysterious Scotland
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Mysterious Scotland

№ слайда 3 Legends of Scotland Scottish history is full of legends and tales, mysterious an
Описание слайда:

Legends of Scotland Scottish history is full of legends and tales, mysterious and sometimes misleading. The bravest and the most well informed among Russian and Scot connoisseurs of Scottish culture are gathering to uncover some of the people’s secrets by telling fabulous stories from the past and from the present of Scotland.

№ слайда 4 The main characters of the festival The true stories of Scots are made alive on
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The main characters of the festival The true stories of Scots are made alive on this festival by:Graeme MacKay, a more than real InverNess button accordion monster,

№ слайда 5 Sergey Alferov, cultural anthropologist and choreographer who knows almost every
Описание слайда:

Sergey Alferov, cultural anthropologist and choreographer who knows almost everything. In general, of course…

№ слайда 6 Anatoliy Isaev, a legendary Gaelic-speaking Russian bagpiper and accordion playe
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Anatoliy Isaev, a legendary Gaelic-speaking Russian bagpiper and accordion player.

№ слайда 7 I visited this majestic festival with my classmates and our English teachers.The
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I visited this majestic festival with my classmates and our English teachers.They managed to take photo with the best bagpiper in Russia!

№ слайда 8 Scottish dances I participated in dances with the professional dancers.It was fa
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Scottish dances I participated in dances with the professional dancers.It was fantastic!

№ слайда 9 My classmates are with dancers Shady Glen Highland Dancers, a unique team able t
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My classmates are with dancers Shady Glen Highland Dancers, a unique team able to perform traditional dances of Scots with a graceful smile that is practically extinct in Scotland.

№ слайда 10 I’m on the stage(in a white T-shirt)
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I’m on the stage(in a white T-shirt)

№ слайда 11
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№ слайда 12
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№ слайда 13 We listened to fascinating Scottish tales and legends. These tales were full of
Описание слайда:

We listened to fascinating Scottish tales and legends. These tales were full of music and dances.Especially I liked bagpipe music. It’s unforgettable!

№ слайда 14
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№ слайда 15 I LOVE SCOTLAND!
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№ слайда 16 GOOD BY
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