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Презентация на тему: My fantastic school

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Презентация на тему: My fantastic school

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№ слайда 1 my fantastic school
Описание слайда:

my fantastic school

№ слайда 2 About me Let me introduce myself. This is me. My name is Dasha. My surname is Pu
Описание слайда:

About me Let me introduce myself. This is me. My name is Dasha. My surname is Pugacheva. I am 13. I am a pupil of the lyceum number 1. There are 28 schools in my town. But my school is the best, because it is my school.

№ слайда 3 MY FANTASTIC SCHOOL ! It is like a fairy-tale. The sky is always blue, the sun i
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MY FANTASTIC SCHOOL ! It is like a fairy-tale. The sky is always blue, the sun is bright over it and the pupils are happy and pleasant in it. It is the happiest place in the world.

№ слайда 4 Fantastic time! I have been learning at the lyceum for 7 years. Very often I rem
Описание слайда:

Fantastic time! I have been learning at the lyceum for 7 years. Very often I remember my first teacher, Olga Alexeevna. We spent much time together. We went to St. Petersburg, visited a lot of museums, theatres, cinemas, philharmonic and circus. We had a lot of parties. It was fantastic time!

№ слайда 5 Subjects Now we are the pupils of the 7th form. There are many interesting and u
Описание слайда:

Subjects Now we are the pupils of the 7th form. There are many interesting and useful subjects in our timetable. They are Maths, Russian, English, Literature, Biology, Geography, History, P.T and many others. But my favourite ones are History and English.

№ слайда 6 History –we learn it visiting museums Our teacher of history is Olga Alexandrovn
Описание слайда:

History –we learn it visiting museums Our teacher of history is Olga Alexandrovna Kocheryagina. She is a very talented teacher, her lessons are very interesting. Every lesson is unusual. We invited the War veterans, who told us about Great Patriotic War and their hard life at this time. We visited Chapayev`s museum, the museum of history of our town. We learned many interesting facts about our country, its traditions and history.

№ слайда 7 English Today is quiet evident that every educated man should know at least one
Описание слайда:

English Today is quiet evident that every educated man should know at least one foreign language. I have been learning English since my childhood and think that it is very important. I like this subject because it is a really fantastic language. I like to read books, listen to songs in English and speak English with my friends. I want to visit England and hope my dreams will come true.

№ слайда 8 Our class Our class is very friendly. We like to spend much time together. We li
Описание слайда:

Our class Our class is very friendly. We like to spend much time together. We like traveling very much. We visit many different towns and cities with our classmates. But especially we like to visit Saratov, our region capital. We visit museums, churches, the circus, a garden with lemons. Our trips are very interesting.

№ слайда 9 Health Day Our class is very active and we take part in many competitions. We li
Описание слайда:

Health Day Our class is very active and we take part in many competitions. We like our Health Day. It is great to show your abilities and physical actions. We play different sport games, run and jump, answer many questions about health and win the first place. We have a lot of certificates.

№ слайда 10 Activities in my lyceum There are many out of class activities in our lyceum. We
Описание слайда:

Activities in my lyceum There are many out of class activities in our lyceum. We meet together to discuss and have different tasks. We draw wall newspapers, make different things and organize different holiday parties. The name of our organization is «Rhythm». The leaders of the classes come together and the leader of this organization gives them different interesting actings. We congratulate our veterans, help homeless children, old people and celebrate many holidays. I think this work is very important.

№ слайда 11 Come and see it yourselves! Our school is rather large. It has 3 floors. There a
Описание слайда:

Come and see it yourselves! Our school is rather large. It has 3 floors. There are many classrooms, a dining-room, a library, 2 gymnasiums in my school. The best place at school is our garden. It is in front of our school. There are many trees, bushes and flowers in it. It is very comfortable. I like my school very much. You can hardly find the place better than my favorite lyceum. Come and see it yourselves!

№ слайда 12 Our friendly family
Описание слайда:

Our friendly family

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