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Презентация на тему: Delhi Public School “Pinjore”

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Презентация на тему: Delhi Public School “Pinjore”

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№ слайда 1 Schools of the World Delhi Public School “Pinjore”
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Schools of the World Delhi Public School “Pinjore”

№ слайда 2 DPS Pinjore stands on an extensive 12-acre campus in the picturesque Pinjore val
Описание слайда:

DPS Pinjore stands on an extensive 12-acre campus in the picturesque Pinjore valley at 1800 feet above the sea level surrounded by hills al around. It is a beautiful pollution-free campus nestled in a cup-shaped valley at the foothills of the Shivalik range just 2 Kms from the famous Pinjore Gardens.

№ слайда 3 A Day-cum-Residential school affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, DPS Pinjore is today
Описание слайда:

A Day-cum-Residential school affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, DPS Pinjore is today one of the best-equipped schools in India with students from over 15 countries studying in its beautiful campus.

№ слайда 4 A refreshing and modern approach to teaching using the latest audio-visual and m
Описание слайда:

A refreshing and modern approach to teaching using the latest audio-visual and multimedia based teaching aids, coupled with spacious and well-ventilated classrooms with plenty of natural light make for a truly stimulating learning environment.

№ слайда 5 Scholar badges are presented to all the students from Class V to Class IX who sc
Описание слайда:

Scholar badges are presented to all the students from Class V to Class IX who score 80% and above marks in the aggregate and have a minimum of 90% attendance in class. In addition, they have taken all terminal examinations conducted by the school and not absented themselves for the Cycle Tests. Above all, each child who is special, presented with a scholar badge for four consecutive years is entitled to a tie, provided by the school.

№ слайда 6 A teacher at DPS Pinjore is much more than a source of wisdom and knowledge. She
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A teacher at DPS Pinjore is much more than a source of wisdom and knowledge. She is a leader, motivator, facilitator, friend, guide, role model and mentor.

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№ слайда 11 Delhi Public Schools, with the motto "Service Before Self", have been serving th
Описание слайда:

Delhi Public Schools, with the motto "Service Before Self", have been serving the Society in the field of education for the last 56 years. There are presently as many as 130 schools under its aegis, both within and outside India.

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