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Презентация на тему: My future profession - is the Journalist

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Презентация на тему: My future profession - is the Journalist

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№ слайда 1 My future profession - is the Journalist Kate Vershinina Grade 11 “B”Dul’durga H
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My future profession - is the Journalist Kate Vershinina Grade 11 “B”Dul’durga High school

№ слайда 2 Journalist – is a man: he is an artist, contributing to content-media by collect
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Journalist – is a man: he is an artist, contributing to content-media by collecting, interpreting and presenting to the audience about important facts, events, people, events.

№ слайда 3 Journalism in Russia In Russia, journalism as an industry of information appeare
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Journalism in Russia In Russia, journalism as an industry of information appeared in the beginning of XVIII century. It happened in 1702, when in Russia the first printed newspaper "Vedomosti“ was appeared . The newspaper was published with the personal participation of the Russian Tsar Peter I

№ слайда 4 Despite of its specific political orientation, the paper gave the start of the d
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Despite of its specific political orientation, the paper gave the start of the development of journalism in Russia. So of the beginning of the founded of the Moscow University (1755) established the newspaper "Moscow News, under the leadership of the Russian scientist and founder of Moscow State University MV Lomonosov. Moscow State University newspaper had an official character, and its revenues going to the budget of the Academy of Sciences or the University itself. Only in the middle of the XVIII century began to appear private journals.

№ слайда 5 Types of journalism. Newspapers and magazines journalismVisual journalismTV jour
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Types of journalism. Newspapers and magazines journalismVisual journalismTV journalismJournalismInternet - JournalismPhoto-journalism

№ слайда 6 Necessary as a journalist. Journalists have a certain embarrassment, talking to
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Necessary as a journalist. Journalists have a certain embarrassment, talking to strangers. However, the desire for information is stronger. With a sincere and continuing interest in the outside world they are able to win over people and therefore they receive only as much information as they need.

№ слайда 7 Insolence and arrogance, contrary to popular opinion, sometimes even harmful jou
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Insolence and arrogance, contrary to popular opinion, sometimes even harmful journalist. They demonstrate a lack of toughness and tenacity. And perseverance, tenacity of purpose - one of the most important qualities in this profession.

№ слайда 8 First you need to learn, and then - to work. Assess their aptitudes and opportun
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First you need to learn, and then - to work. Assess their aptitudes and opportunities in journalism can only practical way. And what will happen before the first experience, the better. By the way, when you receive a minimum of five publications required. In addition, require the recommendation of the creative editorial staff or publisher. And much better if the response will be given not because of editorial work good friends parents.

№ слайда 9 Studying at the Faculty of Journalism - is a fun company, plus discreet learning
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Studying at the Faculty of Journalism - is a fun company, plus discreet learning proper smile for the camera in the program have many items not directly related to the profession, but adds learning and develop flexibility of mind - philosophy, psychology, logic, economics.

№ слайда 10 Faculty may teach journalism profession. One of the most mysterious of subjects
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Faculty may teach journalism profession. One of the most mysterious of subjects studied by students on the faculty of journalism, called journalistic skills or the basics of journalism. Full name depends on imagination leadership institute. Despite the unconditional and indisputable value of humanities education, which gives a good institution, creatively forming a journalist practices.

№ слайда 11 A journalist's work - a solid detective investigation, interviews with the stars
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A journalist's work - a solid detective investigation, interviews with the stars and the press conference with the buffet

№ слайда 12 Difficulties profession. In fact, have, at least, the first time, to write the i
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Difficulties profession. In fact, have, at least, the first time, to write the information note, a length of five to ten lines, to make with simple messages, to collect information for surveys. Rough work, which consists of three-quarters of the work of an experienced journalist, a newcomer has all the time.

№ слайда 13 Endless phone calls, searching, sometimes grueling, the necessary information fr
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Endless phone calls, searching, sometimes grueling, the necessary information from various sources, overcoming the resistance of those who do not want the intervention of the press in their work, traveling from one end of town (or country) to another, a constant readiness to fall from space - without this journalist can become a real master. Articles, reports, TV show - is just the tip of the iceberg, the result of enormous labor.

№ слайда 14 Life journalists - interesting! But this is just not a myth! Journalism is reall
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Life journalists - interesting! But this is just not a myth! Journalism is really very interesting profession. For those who loved her and she owns.

№ слайда 15 Journalists earn a lot. Clearly, the earnings of journalists inspire pessimism.
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Journalists earn a lot. Clearly, the earnings of journalists inspire pessimism. Today correspondent of a serious federal publications can earn on the principal place of no more than $ 500, an editor - about 700. The major TV channels such as ORT, the level of wages, of course, above. There $ 1,5-2 thousand reality even for a reporter if he was preparing stories on the essentials. That means anytime, anywhere to prove precisely when needed.

№ слайда 16 The most famous universities. Moscow State University. Faculty of Journalist St.
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The most famous universities. Moscow State University. Faculty of Journalist St. Petersburg State University, Department of Journalist. MGIMO, Faculty of International Journalism Russia State Humanities University Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. MA Litovchina

№ слайда 17 Famous journalists. Andrey Malakhov Ksenia Sobchak Arina Sharapova Jan Churikova
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Famous journalists. Andrey Malakhov Ksenia Sobchak Arina Sharapova Jan Churikova

№ слайда 18 Psychological test. "I want". “I can.” “I must.”
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Psychological test. "I want". “I can.” “I must.”

№ слайда 19 "I want". Determine what the professional interests and inclinations, i.e, the d
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"I want". Determine what the professional interests and inclinations, i.e, the desire and need for certain activities, striving not only to the result, but also to the very process that a person does. From inclination depends attractiveness of work, interest in it. Interests conventionally denoted by the phrase "I want".

№ слайда 20 "I can". Rate professionally important qualities that determine ultimately profe
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"I can". Rate professionally important qualities that determine ultimately professional suitability. In addition to health and education, this group includes the capacity, ie such individual qualities of the person from which depends the possibility of successful implementation. Ability conditionally express the words "I can".

№ слайда 21 “I must” Find out what occupations are in demand in the labor market, for some p
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“I must” Find out what occupations are in demand in the labor market, for some professions can find a job. In other words, define what this "must".

№ слайда 22 In that case, if I combine the "I want", “I can" and “I must" my career choices
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In that case, if I combine the "I want", “I can" and “I must" my career choices will be successful. In other words, my task is to find a profession which: Interesting and attractive to me, Matches my abilities, Demand on the labor market.

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