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Презентация на тему: My future profession

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Презентация на тему: My future profession

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№ слайда 1 My future profession Teacher: Boronina OlgaSchool № 1694 «Yasenevo»The 10-th «А»
Описание слайда:

My future profession Teacher: Boronina OlgaSchool № 1694 «Yasenevo»The 10-th «А» formPolina RavlyukAnn Ivochkina

№ слайда 2 «All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own
Описание слайда:

«All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education»Sir Walter Scott Everyone needs a profession in his life

№ слайда 3 When you begin thinking about any job you think about yourself, your education ,
Описание слайда:

When you begin thinking about any job you think about yourself, your education , your possibilities and preferences The aims and purposes of the project:To discuss the problem and find out the ways to choose the right profession.To overcome a language barrier for free communication.To improve our communicative skills in English.To get theoretical knowledge in professional education.Stages while working with the project:Job Interview – starting – Ann IvochkinaPersonal responsibilities – child guidance testing of employability – Ann TkachenkoEducated opportunities – environmental impact review – Tania LaguninaConstructing digrams – Olga YakovlevaPiece out a computer presentation – Рolina RavlyukSubstantiation the project – Polina Ravlyuk

№ слайда 4 My profession job pleasure money trade Ways of expressing preferences:To intervi
Описание слайда:

My profession job pleasure money trade Ways of expressing preferences:To interviewee the pupils of the10-th formsTo create the scheme according their answerersTo find colleges and institutes to get the educationWe asked them questions:What would you like to be?What do you know about you future profession?What has influenced your choice?Where are you going to get your education?

№ слайда 5 We have interviewed 50 pupils from the 10-th forms To save people is her main pu
Описание слайда:

We have interviewed 50 pupils from the 10-th forms To save people is her main purpose She is very kind, tactful, energetic, likes animals He likes electronic music and to imitate it She is active, ambitious, likes theatre He is responsible, enthusiastic, interested in architecture She is talented, creative, likes to draw Guess the names of their future professions

№ слайда 6 «What would you like to be?» Here are the professions our pupils have chosen: ec
Описание слайда:

«What would you like to be?» Here are the professions our pupils have chosen: economist dancer doctor manager and she doesn’t know yet!

№ слайда 7 Here is the test that we offered them:
Описание слайда:

Here is the test that we offered them:

№ слайда 8 The results are: Groups: The person – nature (1a, 3b, 6a, 10a)The person – techn
Описание слайда:

The results are: Groups: The person – nature (1a, 3b, 6a, 10a)The person – techniques (1b, 4a, 7b, 9a)The person – person (2a, 4b, 6b, 8a)The person – signs (2b, 5a, 9b, 10b)The person – artistic image (3a, 3b, 7a, 8b)Vlad: person – nature, person – artistic image (he wants to be a manager)Polly: person – sign (she wants to be an economist)Yanek: person – nature (he wants to be a doctor)Alla: person – artistic image (she doesn’t know who she would like to be)Kate: person – person (she wants to be a professional dancer)Pupils to whom suits their future professions:Polly, YanekPupils to whom doesn’t suits their future profession:Kate, VladPupils who don’t have any ideas about their future profession:Alla

№ слайда 9 «Who has influenced your choice?»
Описание слайда:

«Who has influenced your choice?»

№ слайда 10 The most popular professions in our school DoctorActressDesignerManagerEconomist
Описание слайда:

The most popular professions in our school DoctorActressDesignerManagerEconomist

№ слайда 11 The Centre of Education №1694 "Yasenevo" co-operates with several Moscow institu
Описание слайда:

The Centre of Education №1694 "Yasenevo" co-operates with several Moscow institutes and universities, such as Tsiolkovskiy Russian State Technical Institute and Russian University of Friendship of the PeopleHere is statistics of our pupils’ entering at these universities

№ слайда 12 The dynamic of our pupils’ entering Tsiolkovskiy Russian State Technical Institu
Описание слайда:

The dynamic of our pupils’ entering Tsiolkovskiy Russian State Technical Institute

№ слайда 13 Peoples’ friendship University of Russia:Agricultural faculty Faculty of humanit
Описание слайда:

Peoples’ friendship University of Russia:Agricultural faculty Faculty of humanities and social sciences Medical faculty Faculty science Economic faculty Faculty of Law Faculty of Russian language and educational disciplines Institute of foreign languages Institute of hotel business and travel industry Institute of international programs Peoples’ friendship University of Russia: Agricultural faculty Faculty of humanities and social sciences Medical faculty Faculty science Economic faculty Faculty of Law Faculty of Russian language and educational disciplines Institute of foreign languages Institute of hotel business and travel industry Institute of international programs

№ слайда 14 Colleges and other institutes 1. The international Institute of Professional Boo
Описание слайда:

Colleges and other institutes 1. The international Institute of Professional Book-keepers And Auditors 117463, Moscow Jasnogorsky street, 218(495) 421-17-002. The Russian State Medical University 117997, Moscow of street Ostrovitjanova, 18(495) 434-03-29rsmu.ru3. The Russian University of Friendship of the People 117198, Moscow of street Mikluho-Maklaja, 68(495) 787-38-27rudn.ru4. The state Institute of Russian language of A. S. Pushkin 117485, Moscow of street of Academician Volgin, 68(495) 335-08-00pushkin.edu.ru5. The Moscow State Institute of the Radio engineering, Electronics And Automatics119454, Moscow of avenue of Vernadsky, 788(495) 433-04-55mirea.ru 6. Polytechnical College №39 117342, Moscow of street of Vvedensky, 18(495) 330-35-887. Building College №38117321 Moscow, Warm Camp, Trade-union street, 154, 8(495) 339-07-55

№ слайда 15 Resume 1. We have helped each other to realize the place in a life and to make a
Описание слайда:

Resume 1. We have helped each other to realize the place in a life and to make a correct choice. 2. To choose the educational centre, to receive knowledge on the future profession.3. We worked in a command and this experience will be necessary to us in the future4. We have mastered new technical possibilities of the computer and it is interesting.5. We have expanded a lexicon circle on the English language and have learnt speak English with each other without hesitating6. We have got acquainted with a method of psychological testing of K. A. Klimov. We have learnt to understand the abilities better.7. We have learnt which institutes and colleges are in our region.8. We have learnt how to analyze our knowledge and to use it in practice. Do you want to know in what way we did it? Get acquainted!From the beginning we have decided to ask schoolmates about where they would like to study, about their future professions, who influences the decision for choice trades.It has appeared that our girls and boys - very interesting people and dream of the suchtrades as the actress, business-woman, the architect, the doctor, the dancer, the designer,the manager, the beatboxer. But, some children yet have not made the choice.Here are the results of our interrogation (см. приложение №2)Then we have thought how many persons of us have chosen trades approach us and have decided to conduct new research.We have answered questions of a psychological technique of Klimov. It has appeared that we do not know much about ourselves and not all trades have chosen by us correspond to our abilities.Here are the results (см. приложение №5)And, then, there was certainly a question where we can receive knowledge of a trade and begin to studyData about graduates. Our school. And here that we have learnt.And still we have visited institutes and colleges which are in our area Yasenevo.Much have learnt about different faculties.And, then, there was certainly a question where to us to receive knowledge of a trade and began to studyData about the graduates of our school. And we have learnt (см. приложение №4)We have known about different faculties. We have already told about our project at our class conference.We have used in our project:www.1september.ruwww.znfnie.infowww.rudn.ruwww.pfu.edu.ru www.pfu.edu.ruwww.mati.ru.www.Mbinst.ru/collegehttp://psylist.net/praktikum/43.htm

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