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Презентация на тему: Музыка вокруг нас 9 класс

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Презентация на тему: Музыка вокруг нас 9 класс

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№ слайда 1 Методическая разработка уроков английского языка по теме: «Музыка вокруг нас» 9
Описание слайда:

Методическая разработка уроков английского языка по теме: «Музыка вокруг нас» 9 класс

№ слайда 2 Урок 2: Музыка США. Элвис ПреслиЦели и задачи:1.Формирование лексических навыков
Описание слайда:

Урок 2: Музыка США. Элвис ПреслиЦели и задачи:1.Формирование лексических навыков говорения и чтения.2. Закрепление информации об английской группе.3. Знакомство с творчеством Элвиса Пресли.4. Развивать навыки и умения воспринимать речь на слух, с целью извлечения конкретной информации.5. Знакомство с материалами страноведческого характера и привитие хорошего вкуса к музыке.Оснащение урока: Плакаты знаменитого певца; Компьютер, демонстрационный экран; Музыкальные клипы и видеоролики Элвиса Пресли; Магнитофон; Раздаточный материал.

№ слайда 3 Ход урока:1.Оргмомент. Беседа с дежурным. Who is on duty today?What date is it t
Описание слайда:

Ход урока:1.Оргмомент. Беседа с дежурным. Who is on duty today?What date is it today?Who is absent today?2. Фонетическая разминка и введение в ситуацию урока.На экране текст песни Элвиса Пресли:Love me, tenderLove me, sweet.Never let me go.You have madeMy life completeAnd I love you so.The theme of our lesson is “Elvis Presley”. Have you ever heard this song? Do you know whose song is this one? Do you like it?3. But now let’s check up your home task. You had to find the songs of “ Beatles” and listen to them. You had to translate them into Russian.(проверка домашнего задания: нужно было перевести английский текст песен группы «Биттлз» на русский язык)

№ слайда 4 Elvis Presley Элвис Пресли
Описание слайда:

Elvis Presley Элвис Пресли

№ слайда 5 4. Аудирование: рассказ учителя об Элвисе Пресли. Elvis Presley Elvis Presley ca
Описание слайда:

4. Аудирование: рассказ учителя об Элвисе Пресли. Elvis Presley Elvis Presley came from a poor family. He was born on the 8 of January 1935 in Mississippi. Elvis Presley loved music. He went to church every Sunday and sang in the choir. When he was 13, his Mother bought him a guitar (Elvis wanted a bicycle, but it was too expensive). In the same year Elvis and his family left Mississippi. They moved to Memphis, Tennessee. One day in 1954 he went to a recording studio called Sun Records. Ha wanted to make a record for his Mother’s birthday. The secretary at the studio, Marion Kaiser, heard Elvis and told her boss, Sam Phillips. Elvis was Sam Phillips’s dream – a “white boy with a black voice”. Phillips became Elvis’s manager and Elvis made his first single – That’s All Right, Mama”. When disc jockeys played it on the radio stations, American teenagers went wild. Many American parents didn’t like Elvis. In 1955, Elvis appeared on TV in New York. The following year he went to Hollywood and made his first film “Love Me Tender”.In the next two years he had many hit records – “Blue Suede Shoes”, “ Heartbreak Hotel”, “All Shoe Up”, “Jailhouse Rock”, “Teddy Bear”. In 1958, Elvis joined the American Army and went to Germany. When he returned to the United States in the early 60s, pop was not the same. British groups like “Beatles” and “ Rolling Stones” were the new stars. Elvis was a millionaire, but ha was a very lonely man. In his last years he became fat and depressed. He died of heart attack on 16 August 1977 in his mansion at Graceland, Memphis. But for his millions of fans, Elvis is still the King. Shane Lyons has got more than 250 albums by Elvis and video of all his films. “Man, he was great,” says Shane. Elvis could really sing. Not like these kids today with all their electronic machines. He was the King, man, the King of Rock and Roll.

№ слайда 6 5. Проверка понимания прослушанного текстаВопросы к классу: What was Elvis Presl
Описание слайда:

5. Проверка понимания прослушанного текстаВопросы к классу: What was Elvis Presley? When did he begin to sing? Why did his Mother buy him a guitar? What was the name of his first single? When did he join the American Army? How do people call Elvis Presley?

№ слайда 7 6. Работа с текстом. Извлечение информации, найти в тексте предложения, в которы
Описание слайда:

6. Работа с текстом. Извлечение информации, найти в тексте предложения, в которых говорится:Find the information in the text about:Elvis’ childhood;His first record;His albums;His depression;His death.7. Прослушивание песен и работа с текстом песен.

№ слайда 8 Просмотр фото и прослушивание песенElvis Presley
Описание слайда:

Просмотр фото и прослушивание песенElvis Presley

№ слайда 9 King of Rock and RollElvis Presley
Описание слайда:

King of Rock and RollElvis Presley

№ слайда 10
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 11 Love Me TenderLove Me TenderLove me tender, love me sweet,never let me go. You h
Описание слайда:

Love Me TenderLove Me TenderLove me tender, love me sweet,never let me go. You have made my life complete, And I love you so. Love me tender, love me true, All my dreams fulfilled. For my darling' I love you, And I always will.Love me tender, Love me long, Take me to your heart. For it's there that I belong, And we'll never part. Love me tender, Love me dear, Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, Till the end of time

№ слайда 12 Only YouOnly you can make all this world seem brightOnly you can make the darkne
Описание слайда:

Only YouOnly you can make all this world seem brightOnly you can make the darkness brightOnly you and you alone can thrill me like you doAnd fill my heart with love for only youOnly you can make this change in meFor it's true you are my destinyWhen you hold my hand I understandThe magic that you doYou're my dream come trueMy one and only youOnly you can make this change in meFor it's true you are my destinyWhen you hold my hand I understandThe magic that you doYou're my dream come trueПодведение итогов урока и домашнее задание (презентация)

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