The First Drifting Station Done by Mark Spitzyn, Form 7A 2012г.
Drifting station — the research station created on drifting ices in deep-water part of the Arctic Ocean.
The work on the drifting polar station under the leading of O.Y.Shmidt and I.D.Papanin. O.Y.Shmidt and I.D.Papanin , 1937 Disembarkation of the Soviet expedition to drifting ice 1937.
Official opening of first-ever drifting SP-1 station took place on June 6, 1937 in 20 km from the North Pole. Expedition lasted 9 months (274 days), the ice floe passed more than 2000 km Station staff: head- I.D.Papanin, meteorologist and geophysicistE.K.Fedorov, radio operator- E.T.Krenkel,hydrobiologist and oceanographer of Items- Shirshov.
Papanintsy for the first time measured ocean depth at a pole: it appeared equal 4290 m, found warm Atlantic water of Gulf Stream in the pole at a depth in some honeycombs of meters.Near a pole to them seagulls, seals, polar bears met In the center of the Arctic is warmer, than thought earlier.
The scientific results received in unique drift, were presented to General Meeting of Academy of Sciences of the USSROn March 6, 1938 also were highly appreciated by experts. Scientific degrees were appropriated to scientific structure of expedition. Ivan Dmitriyevich Papanin was entitled the doctor of geographical sciences. I.D.Papanin
75 years ago Russia made a revolutionary break in researching of the Arctic by opening the first researching drifting station. The leading role of our country in the organization of oceanographic and meteorological researches in the Arctic sea in the conditions of polar climate was fixed . Papanin's expedition made many interesting discoveries. O.Y.Schmidt and I.D.Papanin made one of the brightest pages in history of development of the Arctic pool.