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Презентация на тему: The City of London. It is interesting to know

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Презентация на тему: The City of London. It is interesting to know

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№ слайда 1 The City of London. It is interesting to know… Victoriya VasilyevaGymnasium № 1F
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The City of London. It is interesting to know… Victoriya VasilyevaGymnasium № 1Form 5Teacher L.V. BodichevaBalakovo

№ слайда 2 The British Museum is the oldest, and one of the largest museums in the world. W
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The British Museum is the oldest, and one of the largest museums in the world. Where else can you see some of the greatest treasures of all time under one roof? Here you can see at first hand The Elgin Marbles, The Portland Vase, The Lewis Chessmen, The Sutton Hoo Treasure, to name only a few of the wondrous collections awaiting you. You will be fascinated by the Egyptian Mummies, and inspired by the superb exhibition of prints and drawings which changes several times a year.

№ слайда 3 Hyde Park is the largest park in London. In the 18 and 19 centuries it was a pla
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Hyde Park is the largest park in London. In the 18 and 19 centuries it was a place where kings and queens walked and rode, and duels were fought. The park was founded in 1536, now it is a popular place for recreation. In the park you can find playgrounds, the most popular place is the Lookout — an educational centre where children learn about nature, and lots of catering outlets, they offer everything from a simple sandwich to three-course meals.

№ слайда 4 For more than 200 years Madame Tussaud's has been enchanting and entertaining vi
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For more than 200 years Madame Tussaud's has been enchanting and entertaining visitors fascinated by its representations of the famous and infamous. Today, over 2 million people from all over the world visit the exhibition each year, making it one of Britain's most popular attractions. It is still the most popular and talked about wax exhibition in the world, and has become synonymous with excellence.

№ слайда 5 For many centuries the Tower of London was known as the White Tower because in 1
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For many centuries the Tower of London was known as the White Tower because in 1240 Henry III painted the fortress white. This name is still applied to the central part of the fortress.Initially the Crown Jewels were kept at Westminster Abbey but the king felt that it was unsafe to keep them there and for security reasons the Jewels were moved to the Tower of London.

№ слайда 6 Westminster Palace is 1,000 years old. It was damaged by fire in the 19th centur
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Westminster Palace is 1,000 years old. It was damaged by fire in the 19th century hand rebuilt. An architect Charles Barry, who won a competition for the best design, redecorated the interior of the Palace.

№ слайда 7 London Eye — the biggest observation wheel in the world, it is one of the newest
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London Eye — the biggest observation wheel in the world, it is one of the newest and most popular tourist attraction in London. "The Eye" was opened in 2000, it takes you on a "flight" that gives a 360-degree view over the capital. You will stand in a glass capsule that ascends into the sky on a wheel that is 150 m high. If the weather if fine, the view stretches for kilometres in all directions. One full rotation takes 30 inn.

№ слайда 8 THE END
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