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Презентация на тему: Deforestation (вырубка)

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Презентация на тему: Deforestation (вырубка)

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№ слайда 1 Deforestation
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№ слайда 2 In many parts of the world (for example, in the tropical forests of South Americ
Описание слайда:

In many parts of the world (for example, in the tropical forests of South America and Africa) deforestation occurs in high quantities.In many parts of the world (for example, in the tropical forests of South America and Africa) deforestation occurs in high quantities.

№ слайда 3 It is very profitable to be in the tree business and that is the reason many peo
Описание слайда:

It is very profitable to be in the tree business and that is the reason many people seek to be hired in this area of business rather then any other. It is very profitable to be in the tree business and that is the reason many people seek to be hired in this area of business rather then any other.

№ слайда 4 Even with the positive aspect of the wages, deforestation is damaging the Earth,
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Even with the positive aspect of the wages, deforestation is damaging the Earth, her Even with the positive aspect of the wages, deforestation is damaging the Earth, her animals and her natural resources.

№ слайда 5 One example of the negative effects caused by the cutting down of trees is that
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One example of the negative effects caused by the cutting down of trees is that it will eventually lead to a lack of oxygen in the air. Trees eat carbon dioxide and, in turn, produce fresh oxygen into the air. It's a cycle change dramatically if a large percentage of trees in the world are destroyed. One example of the negative effects caused by the cutting down of trees is that it will eventually lead to a lack of oxygen in the air. Trees eat carbon dioxide and, in turn, produce fresh oxygen into the air. It's a cycle change dramatically if a large percentage of trees in the world are destroyed.

№ слайда 6 Another example of a negative effect cause by deforestation is many species are
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Another example of a negative effect cause by deforestation is many species are killed, and with concern to the rainforest, many endangered Another example of a negative effect cause by deforestation is many species are killed, and with concern to the rainforest, many endangered species have no hope to survive. When deforestation occurs, animals homes are destroyed and they are with them.

№ слайда 7 The third negative effect, is shown that plants cut down, burn and destroy to re
Описание слайда:

The third negative effect, is shown that plants cut down, burn and destroy to release a place for cars. In the rain forest there have been many plants that proved useful in medical procedures and even plants that cure such things as cancer or reduce the white blood-cell counts. The third negative effect, is shown that plants cut down, burn and destroy to release a place for cars. In the rain forest there have been many plants that proved useful in medical procedures and even plants that cure such things as cancer or reduce the white blood-cell counts.

№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 Hopefully, sooner or later people will realize that deforestation is unnecessary
Описание слайда:

Hopefully, sooner or later people will realize that deforestation is unnecessary. Hopefully, sooner or later people will realize that deforestation is unnecessary.

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