My travelogue Name: Hudobina Lisa Gender: girl Age: 11 Country: Russia
Traveller profile Hi! Welcome to my travelogue. I`ve just got home after a one week holiday in the Kerch. It was really great. I want to remember everything and tell my friends all about it.
Day 1 We have arrived to Kerch by the bus. We have gone at once to bathe. Then were on excavation. Also have found many crocks!
Day 2 In the second day we again have gone on excavation, but to other place. There too it was interesting. My sisters sketched landscapes of the destroyed palace.
Day 3 In the third day we have completely devoted to landscapes of Kercha. Also have risen on Mitridat. Have passed a heap of steps, but have risen! On a photo my father.
Day 4The third day have devoted to the nature. To which nature isn't present more perfectly than in Kerch. We photographed almost each bush.
All other days we had a rest on a beach. Or walked around the city
Thanks for attention!