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Презентация на тему: Original and delicious cake from the team WERE BORN TO WIN

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Презентация на тему: Original and delicious cake from the team WERE BORN TO WIN

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№ слайда 1 Original and delicious cake from the team WERE BORN TO WIN
Описание слайда:

Original and delicious cake from the team WERE BORN TO WIN

№ слайда 2 Pie Giraffe's beautiful and unusual both in General and in the context. Besides,
Описание слайда:

Pie Giraffe's beautiful and unusual both in General and in the context. Besides, it is very tasty and hearty! Also useful, because with cottage cheese.I love chocolate! And cheese, too. And as cottage cheese and chocolate cake is absolutely great!!!

№ слайда 3 Meet - pie Giraffe!Ingredients:Chocolate pastry:- 1 egg;- 150 g sugar;- 1 packet
Описание слайда:

Meet - pie Giraffe!Ingredients:Chocolate pastry:- 1 egg;- 150 g sugar;- 1 packet of oil (200 g);- 350 g flour;- 1 teaspoon of baking powder for the test;- 50 g of cocoa powder (the more shokoladnie).Cottage cheese filling:- 500-600 g of cottage cheese;- 3-4 eggs;- 150 g sugar;- 1,5 table spoons of potato flour (starch);- polpachki (100g) of butter.

№ слайда 4 Pie Giraffe recipe:Prepare dough:Beat with a mixer soft butter with sugar and eg
Описание слайда:

Pie Giraffe recipe:Prepare dough:Beat with a mixer soft butter with sugar and egg.Pour flour mixed with baking powder and cocoa powder.Mix the dough with a spoon, kneaded on the hands, until you get a lump chocolate dough.Dimmed the bottom of a split form parchment, flanges grease with vegetable oil, and, otschipyvaya and flexing his fingers pieces of dough, "platochek" shaping the cake thickness 0.7-1 cm high (2-3 cm) sides. Piece of dough, about one fourth of'll leave that for decoration.

№ слайда 5 Prepare the filling:Soft butter and sugar, beat with a mixer, add grinded by han
Описание слайда:

Prepare the filling:Soft butter and sugar, beat with a mixer, add grinded by hand (so that no lumps) cheese and beat again. 1, add eggs, beating well after each with a mixer.Ready stuffing spread on the cake and distributed spoon evenly.Now the most interesting - from the remaining dough formed zhirafi spots and picturesquely spread them on top of the cheese!Bake a cake for a long time and at a lower temperature to cottage cheese filling - in fact casserole - well cooked. About an hour when 160S, although the time and temperature can vary, because of the oven. The cake is ready, when the middle, not liquid, and the top flushed (Golden can be temporarily increase the fire at the end of preparation).

№ слайда 6 Get the cake from the oven and allow to cool in the form of 10-15 minutes, so ho
Описание слайда:

Get the cake from the oven and allow to cool in the form of 10-15 minutes, so how hot it can raskroetsya. Then expand to form and roaming "giraffe" in the dish.Get the cake from the oven and allow to cool in the form of 10-15 minutes, so how hot it can raskroetsya. Then expand to form and roaming "giraffe" in the dish.

№ слайда 7 Enjoy your tea!Enjoy your tea!
Описание слайда:

Enjoy your tea!Enjoy your tea!

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