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Презентация на тему: Living together

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Презентация на тему: Living together

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№ слайда 1 6 form Unit 7 Living together. The Presentation by the student of 7b form Zadons
Описание слайда:

6 form Unit 7 Living together. The Presentation by the student of 7b form Zadonsky Aleksey

№ слайда 2 Fill in the missing letters, translate the words.kn_feon_onBis_ui_ p_t_to_s Da_g
Описание слайда:

Fill in the missing letters, translate the words.kn_feon_onBis_ui_ p_t_to_s Da_g_terbo_lPi_ co_sinRel_t_ve Time is over!Max points - 13

№ слайда 3 Write as many words as you know on the theme “Family”.Time 5 minutes
Описание слайда:

Write as many words as you know on the theme “Family”.Time 5 minutes

№ слайда 4 Make up sentences.1) Did you make a sandwich yesterday?2) Does your mother like
Описание слайда:

Make up sentences.1) Did you make a sandwich yesterday?2) Does your mother like to eat pies?3) Is your aunt older than her husband?4) What is the sausage made from?5) Are you clearing the table now?

№ слайда 5 Fill in the appropriate prepositions.Part 1This dress is made ___ silk.We met Di
Описание слайда:

Fill in the appropriate prepositions.Part 1This dress is made ___ silk.We met Dick ___ the evening.He must give ___ drinking alcohol.I have to wash ___ after dinner.How does your niece get _______ with her parents?I’d like to talk _______ my dad.Who takes ___ rubbish in your family?It depends ___ my parents.

№ слайда 6 Fill in the appropriate prepositionsPart 2I should get rid ___ grammar mistakes.
Описание слайда:

Fill in the appropriate prepositionsPart 2I should get rid ___ grammar mistakes. Watch ___! A big dog is coming.

№ слайда 7 Thank you!Goodbye!
Описание слайда:

Thank you!Goodbye!

№ слайда 8 The keys.
Описание слайда:

The keys.

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