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Презентация на тему: Kite skiing

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Презентация на тему: Kite skiing

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№ слайда 1 Kite skiing
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Kite skiing

№ слайда 2 History and RecordsKite skiing is a relatively recent development of skiing wher
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History and RecordsKite skiing is a relatively recent development of skiing where the pull comes from a kite. It can be done on water, snow, land or ice.Kite skiing on snow has little in common with downhill skiing which is very popular in the Alps and on mountains around the world. It shares a greater similarity with cross-country skiing but the driving force coming from the kite rather than stocks or gravity. The technique was successfully used on the return leg of Amundsen's South Pole expedition in 1911-12Kite skiing on water can be done with different kind of skis, therefore it may be compared with water skiing or with wake-boarding. Kite- skiing on land uses specialized grass skis or sand skis.On 5 June 2010 Canadian Eric McNair-Landry and American/French Sebastian Copeland kite skied 595 km in 24 hours, a distance world record.

№ слайда 3 A traction kite, lines and associated control device.  If you want to go fast, s
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A traction kite, lines and associated control device.  If you want to go fast, select a pair of long, stiff down hill skis around as long as you can reach with your arm fully extended.A pair of downhill ski boots.A kite-surfing or wind-surfing harness (waist or seat harness is fine).A helmet (a must on ice or hard pack as you don't want to test the "rigidity" of your skull when it hits the ice).Warm clothing.  You normally need less warm clothing kite-skiing than skiing. 

№ слайда 4 LocationLakes and Mountains are the best places to do kite-skiing and snow-kitin
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LocationLakes and Mountains are the best places to do kite-skiing and snow-kiting

№ слайда 5 Kite -skiing is the best sport for people, who like extreme and winter. Children
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Kite -skiing is the best sport for people, who like extreme and winter. Children, who stay on skis, also can begin kite- skiing.

№ слайда 6 Remi MeumNationality: NorwayDate of Birth: 17 February 1985Lives: NorwayStarted
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Remi MeumNationality: NorwayDate of Birth: 17 February 1985Lives: NorwayStarted Kiting: 2000Competes: Snowkite World Tour

№ слайда 7
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