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Презентация на тему: Let’s help animals together!

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Презентация на тему: Let’s help animals together!

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№ слайда 1 Let’s help animals together! We are living on our planet and even don’t think ab
Описание слайда:

Let’s help animals together! We are living on our planet and even don’t think about animals, birds, fish etc.

№ слайда 2 Mountain goose Mountain goose is found in the Altai. There are only about 100 in
Описание слайда:

Mountain goose Mountain goose is found in the Altai. There are only about 100 individuals in the world. Mountain goose is grey, its head and sides of the neck are white. At the top of the head and neck there are two black stripes. Its beak and legs are yellow.

№ слайда 3 Mountain goose is listed in the Red Book. Mountain goose is a very beautiful ani
Описание слайда:

Mountain goose is listed in the Red Book. Mountain goose is a very beautiful animal. It is graceful like all other geese.

№ слайда 4 White-napped hedgehog This is a small hedgehog with short spines, their colour d
Описание слайда:

White-napped hedgehog This is a small hedgehog with short spines, their colour differs from light sandy to dark brown, the top of the head is light brown. The size of a small body length is19,5-29 cm, its tail is 25-37 mm, the ears are small. On the head there is no strip of bare skin.

№ слайда 5 Is it really cute? Hedgehog and it’s history. The hedgehog lives in the steppes.
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Is it really cute? Hedgehog and it’s history. The hedgehog lives in the steppes. In Zaboykale, in Mongolia and northern China. It eats nuts, roots and worms. Now there are only 550-660 thousand! And it's very little! White-napped hedgehog is in the Red Book!

№ слайда 6 We must save our world! We must take care of our planet and nature! We must take
Описание слайда:

We must save our world! We must take care of our planet and nature! We must take care of our little friends of nature!

№ слайда 7 The presentation was made by Ovchinnikova Sasha, Golubeva Sasha and Sysoeva Tany
Описание слайда:

The presentation was made by Ovchinnikova Sasha, Golubeva Sasha and Sysoeva Tanya Thank you for your watching!

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