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Презентация на тему: ECOLOGY Our Fragile Planet

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Презентация на тему: ECOLOGY Our Fragile Planet

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№ слайда 1 ECOLOGY Our Fragile Planet If you don’t think about the future, you will not hav
Описание слайда:

ECOLOGY Our Fragile Planet If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it. John Golsworthy

№ слайда 2 Match the words with their definitions Environment Fresh Pollution Climate Green
Описание слайда:

Match the words with their definitions Environment Fresh Pollution Climate Greenhouse effect Protect the problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmosphere the weather a certain place has over a long period of time air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live making water, air and atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people to live in to make sure that something is not harmed or damaged done or made recently

№ слайда 3 Find the words hidden P A E C N P R H M O U E N V I R O N M E N T A T E C O L O
Описание слайда:

Find the words hidden P A E C N P R H M O U E N V I R O N M E N T A T E C O L O G Y A L L E L A N L I X U D A N P D N K U R Y P T L C L I M A T E T I R A S A S V A I R V K H N I N A V D O L E S A N M T P M O N A T U R E O N P T U N D E T M O E L E A R T H E H Z V P L A T R E V P R O T H O R I N R E B U C A

№ слайда 4
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 5 «Let’s help animals together» «Endangered animals» «The animals in danger» «The
Описание слайда:

«Let’s help animals together» «Endangered animals» «The animals in danger» «The Red Panda» «Tiger» «Polar Bear» «Tigers» «Harbour porpoises»

№ слайда 6 Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in b
Описание слайда:

Read the following text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. There are many problems which threaten our (nature) ___________ environment. Acid rain, (globe) ____________ warming and air and water (pollute) ___________are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage (recycle)____________. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. (Two)__________, driving an environmentally-friendly car is also helpful. Furthermore, joining an (organize) ___________ which plants trees or cleans up beaches would help the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many (environment) _____________ disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for future generations.

№ слайда 7 Complete the sentences using a verb from the list in the Present Perfect Simple
Описание слайда:

Complete the sentences using a verb from the list in the Present Perfect Simple to find out what the pupils have done to make their school a greener place. Collect, organize, plant, put up, show We ________________ over five tons of litter for recycling. We ________________ fifteen trees in front of the school. We ________________ three films about how to save energy. We________________ signs on all the doors reminding people to turn off the lights. We _______________ teams of students to turn off unused lights.

№ слайда 8
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 9 To read the first part of the letter open the brackets putting the verbs into Pr
Описание слайда:

To read the first part of the letter open the brackets putting the verbs into Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive We know that … 8 big cats (kill) _______________to make 1 fur coat Only several hundreds of rhinos (leave) _______________in Asia Before the 1900s 60 million buffalos (destroy)______________ Over 40000 monkeys (catch) _________________every year In the 20-th century about 300 dolphins and 30 sea turtles (poison) ________________by water pollution every day

№ слайда 10 To read the second part of the letter put the following words into it Nature is
Описание слайда:

To read the second part of the letter put the following words into it Nature is under___________. So we decided to become members of an _____________society. We all have a responsibility to ___________ the environment. If we don’t protect ______________, 50% of the animal species that exist now may _____________ extinct. Do you think that people can do a lot to ______________ our planet? What do teens in your country do in this sphere? Would you like to join any society? Why? Sincerely yours, Students of...

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