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Презентация на тему: Театр

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Презентация на тему: Театр

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№ слайда 1 Opera Garnier theater in Paris, one of the most famous and important opera and b
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Opera Garnier theater in Paris, one of the most famous and important opera and ballet theaters in the world.

№ слайда 2 Is situated in the Palais Garnier in the IX district of Paris, near the end of t
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Is situated in the Palais Garnier in the IX district of Paris, near the end of the avenue of the Opera Metro Station. The building is considered a benchmark of eclectic architecture in the Beaux-Arts and belongs to the era of a major transformation of the city, embodied by Napoleon III and Haussmann prefect.

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№ слайда 4 For a long time, the building of the theater was called the Paris Opera, but aft
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For a long time, the building of the theater was called the Paris Opera, but after opening in 1989, the second theatrical platform for the Paris National Opera - Bastille Opera House , it became known as the name of the architect Charles Garnier. The two institutions merged in the public and commercial enterprise " Paris National Opera"

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