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Презентация на тему: Thanksgiving Day

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Презентация на тему: Thanksgiving Day

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№ слайда 1 Thanksgiving Day This presentation is made by Svetlana Berdianova an English tea
Описание слайда:

Thanksgiving Day This presentation is made by Svetlana Berdianova an English teacher Spassk secondary school №2

№ слайда 2 1620 one hundred Pilgrims came to America from England. They came on board the s
Описание слайда:

1620 one hundred Pilgrims came to America from England. They came on board the ship “Mayflower”.

№ слайда 3 The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims.They taught them to plant corn, to buil
Описание слайда:

The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims.They taught them to plant corn, to build houses, to fish and to hunt.

№ слайда 4 In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims had their first harvest. They decided to have
Описание слайда:

In the autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims had their first harvest. They decided to have a special dinner. The Pilgrims invited the Native Americansto their dinner. It lasted three days.

№ слайда 5 Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday.The families come together for a special
Описание слайда:

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday.The families come together for a special dinner.

№ слайда 6 The traditional food on Thanksgiving Day isturkey, corn bread, mashed potatoes,
Описание слайда:

The traditional food on Thanksgiving Day isturkey, corn bread, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, beans, nuts and sauce made from cranberries.

№ слайда 7 Football is the most popular game on the day. After dinner people relax, talk an
Описание слайда:

Football is the most popular game on the day. After dinner people relax, talk and watch a football gameon TV.

№ слайда 8 Shops, classrooms and homes are decorated with turkeys, Pilgrims, Indians, flowe
Описание слайда:

Shops, classrooms and homes are decorated with turkeys, Pilgrims, Indians, flowers and vegetables.

№ слайда 9 Every Thanksgiving Day there is a very big parade in New York City.
Описание слайда:

Every Thanksgiving Day there is a very big parade in New York City.

№ слайда 10 One of the traditions of this festival is to send greeting cards.
Описание слайда:

One of the traditions of this festival is to send greeting cards.

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