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Презентация на тему: Конкурс любителей чтения

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Презентация на тему: Конкурс любителей чтения

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№ слайда 1 КОНКУРС ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ ЧТЕНИЯУже не первый год издательство Макмиллан предлагает учит
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КОНКУРС ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ ЧТЕНИЯУже не первый год издательство Макмиллан предлагает учителям английского языка участвовать в конкурсе любителей чтения “Everyone loves a good book”. В этом году мой ученик Нугзар Гиголашвили (5-й класс) участвовал в этом конкурсе и занял 2 место. Процесс подготовки потребовал значительного времени, так как необходимо было прочитать 3 книги издательства Макмиллан, кратко их пересказать и оформить работу в виде презентации. Ребенок получил большое удовольствие от работы: во-первых, все книги издательства из серии Way Ahead Reader имеют аудиозапись, что весьма оживляет процесс и способствует пониманию сюжета. Во-вторых, впервые от ученика требовалось не только пересказать прочитанное и выполнить какие-либо задания по тексту, но и провести аналогии между сюжетом книги и окружением и образом жизни самого ребенка. Кроме того, в процессе подготовки презентации ученик освоил программу Power Point и научился многим аспектам работы с Интернетом.Я полагаю, что наиболее привлекательными моментами этого конкурса являются:1.Попытка осмысления прочитанного через свой жизненный опыт, связывая сюжет книги с реальностью современного мира (даже если прочитанная книга – сказка).2. Искусство кратко и емко передать сюжет книги3. Возможность реализовать свои знания компьютерных технологий.Я предлагаю ознакомиться с работой моего ученика всем желающим

№ слайда 2 EVERYBODY LIKES SOME FUNThe teacher Miss Smiley takes her class to the Funfair.
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EVERYBODY LIKES SOME FUNThe teacher Miss Smiley takes her class to the Funfair. All children enjoy it, but not Helen. She is frightened. The teacher Miss Smiley takes her class to the Funfair. All children enjoy it, but not Helen. She is frightened. She would not like to try swing boats.She is not interested in bumper cars - they are too noisy.The boats which godown the waterfall lookscary.The slide is also not for her!And she really hatesthe roller coaster!!!

№ слайда 3 But she is very good at basketball. She wins many lollipops and everybody is rea
Описание слайда:

But she is very good at basketball. She wins many lollipops and everybody is really happy. Thanks to Helen.ABOUT MYSELFI like funfairs. I went there with my mum. Most of all I like rollercoaster and bumper cars, because all cars are great. Later I want to drive the car.SUMMARYYou should not make people do things they don't like.Everyone can find something interesting. Different people are good at different things.

№ слайда 4 WRITING AND GETTING LETTERS IS VERY EXCITINGSonia is in England. She writes lett
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WRITING AND GETTING LETTERS IS VERY EXCITINGSonia is in England. She writes letters home to her grandma …. Sonia made friends with the girl called Jen. Jen has some rabbits and they are very niceSonia loved the English holiday Guy Fawkes Night.She liked snow and snowmen.Sonia went on a school trip to the Queen’s home – Windsor castle.Grandma misses her very much and she has some great news, too. She can drive the car now!!!

№ слайда 5 ABOUT MYSELFMost of all I like the pictures. The best are the pictures of Jen’s
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ABOUT MYSELFMost of all I like the pictures. The best are the pictures of Jen’s rabbits and the horse Prince. I also love animals, but I want to have a dog. I sometimes write letters to my friend in Georgia. I love getting letters from him!SUMMARYI think it’s great to be friends with your grandma. She may tell you a lot of interesting stories about the past, about the place where you live, the people. She remembers some funny things about you – a little kid.

№ слайда 6 OLD TIMESOnce upon a time a good and friendly Giant called Finn andhis clever wi
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OLD TIMESOnce upon a time a good and friendly Giant called Finn andhis clever wife Una lived in Ireland.Suddenly they got some terrible news – an ugly and wicked giantcame to the town and he wanted to find Finn.Una got ready to meet the giant and asked her husband to play the role of a baby.Finn was afraid and wanted to run away, but his clever wife had somegood ideas. She did not want to give up, to leave their home and their friendsThe wicked giant did everything Una asked him to do and understoodthat Finn was really very big and strong giant. And when he saw Finn in the pram he thought that it was their baby. He got frightened – if the baby is so strong, the father must look terrible. So he decided to leave the family in piece and go away.

№ слайда 7 ABOUT MYSELFI like tales. When I was younger my mum read Georgian andRussian fai
Описание слайда:

ABOUT MYSELFI like tales. When I was younger my mum read Georgian andRussian fairy-tales for me. Now I can do it myself.SUMMARYFirstly, it is great if somebody in the family is clever and strong and knows what to do in difficult situation. In the tales of different countries this person is often a woman.Secondly, people must not do bad things to other people. Neighbours should be friends and live in piece.

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