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Презентация на тему: Saratov my Native Town

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Презентация на тему: Saratov my Native Town

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№ слайда 1 Saratov my Native Town
Описание слайда:

Saratov my Native Town

№ слайда 2 Saratov history The official date of the town's foundation is 2 July, 1590. Acco
Описание слайда:

Saratov history The official date of the town's foundation is 2 July, 1590. According to one of the versions the name of the town originates from the combination of the Tatar-Mongolian words «sary» («yellow») and «tau» («mountain»). This could be the name of Sokolovaya Mountain, yellow by color. In 1764 Catherine the Great signed the manifest inviting foreign citizens to live in Russia. After that foreigners started arriving to settle in Saratov and its suburbs. In 1781 Saratov coat of arms was instituted — three sterlets on a blue background symbolizing the abundance of this kind of fish in the region. The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries in Saratov were remarkable for its cultural achievements. In 1891 Saratov brothers Nikitins founded the first National Circus in Russia. In 1885 the first public museum in Russia was opened. In 1891 was opened the first public theatre (now there is the Drama Theatre in its place). In 1912 the first provincial conservatoire of music was opened (the third one in Russia)

№ слайда 3 The Cosmonauts Quay The total length of the quay is about 1.5 kilometers. Origin
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The Cosmonauts Quay The total length of the quay is about 1.5 kilometers. Originally the site was occupied with buildings and constructions associated with trading life of the town — port terminals, warehouses, shops... Above them there was Millionnaya Street . In 1950-s construction of the quay began and the Cosmonauts Quay replaced Millionnaya Street.

№ слайда 4 Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy In 1780-s one of the
Описание слайда:

Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy In 1780-s one of the richest Saratov merchants M. Ustinov built two detached houses. In 1810-s they were reconstructed and architecturally designed as one building. It was designed by St. Petersburg architect I. Kolodin who had assisted the famous architect A. Voronikhin in constructing Kazansky Cathedral in St. Petersburg. In 1829 the building was sold for the needs of the theological seminary. Since 1930 the regional museum of local lore, history and economy has been located in the building.

№ слайда 5 Troitsky Cathedral The Cathedral was founded by streletses in 1695, its final de
Описание слайда:

Troitsky Cathedral The Cathedral was founded by streletses in 1695, its final decorating was completed in 1723. The Cathedral was built in the style of Russian architecture of the 16th — early 17th centuries (so called «Moscow» or «Naryshkin» Baroque). In June 1695 Peter the Great visited the Cathedral during his three-day stay in Saratov

№ слайда 6 The Gates of Krestovozdvizhensky Convent There was Krestovozdvizhensky Convent b
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The Gates of Krestovozdvizhensky Convent There was Krestovozdvizhensky Convent built in the middle of the 18th century in the place of the present Slovakia Hotel and the adjoining square. Only the gates of its Nickolsly Temple (1899-1903) have survived to the present day.

№ слайда 7 Conservatoire of Music named after L. Sobinov In 1900-1902 a building for musica
Описание слайда:

Conservatoire of Music named after L. Sobinov In 1900-1902 a building for musical classes was built from a design by the architect A. Yagn. In 1912 it was reconstructed by the architect S. Kallistratov in pseudo Gothic style for the conservatoire. Saratov conservatoire was opened in 1913. It was the first Russian provincial conservatoire of music (after Moscow and St. Petersburg).

№ слайда 8 The Church in the name of the Virgin's Icon «Utoli Moya Petchali» («Soothe My So
Описание слайда:

The Church in the name of the Virgin's Icon «Utoli Moya Petchali» («Soothe My Sorrows») The church was built in 1907 from a design by the architect P. Zybin. Originally it was a chapel at the archbishop's house (today there is a theological seminary in the house). The church is dedicated to the Virgin's Icon «Consolation in sorrows and grief» (Saratov people named it «Soothe My Sorrows»)

№ слайда 9 The Circus of Brothers Nikitins The first performance of the circus took place i
Описание слайда:

The Circus of Brothers Nikitins The first performance of the circus took place in 1873. Nikitins' «Russian Circus» became the first national one in Russia. Later the brothers built the first circus building. The opening of the present circus with the seating capacity of 3000 took place in 1931. Since that time the building has been reconstructed more than once

№ слайда 10 Saratov State Art Museum named after A. Radishchev It is the first public art mu
Описание слайда:

Saratov State Art Museum named after A. Radishchev It is the first public art museum in Russia. The building was designed by St. Petersburg architect I.Shtrom. The museum was opened to public in 1885. It contains one of the largest art collections in Russia. The museum was founded by the professor of painting A. Bogolyubov, Radishchev's grandson. A. Bogolyubov granted the collection of Russian and West-European art works to the city.

№ слайда 11 Pokrovskaya Church The church designed by the architect A. Salko was erected in
Описание слайда:

Pokrovskaya Church The church designed by the architect A. Salko was erected in 1880-s. During the Soviet era it was occupied by the dormitory of the Economic Institute, later there were Saratov artists' workshops there. In early 1990-s the church was returned to Saratov Eparchy.

№ слайда 12 Thanks for being patient and attentive Welcome to Saratov
Описание слайда:

Thanks for being patient and attentive Welcome to Saratov

№ слайда 13 Автор: Чуманова Ксения, 11 «А» класс, МОУ «СОШ №18», г.Саратов, Россия Учитель:
Описание слайда:

Автор: Чуманова Ксения, 11 «А» класс, МОУ «СОШ №18», г.Саратов, Россия Учитель: Малыхина Э.В. The author of presentation Chumanova Kseniya, class 11 “A”, school №18, Saratov, Russia Teacher: Malykhina Elvira, tel. 8-904-242-27-78, [email protected]

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