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Презентация на тему: Krasnodar is my native city

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Презентация на тему: Krasnodar is my native city

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№ слайда 1 Krasnodar is my native city. Kharitonova Dasha Form 5”v” School №72 Krasnodar 20
Описание слайда:

Krasnodar is my native city. Kharitonova Dasha Form 5”v” School №72 Krasnodar 2009

№ слайда 2 I am from Krasnodar in Russia. It isnot Russia’s capital city, but it ishistoric
Описание слайда:

I am from Krasnodar in Russia. It isnot Russia’s capital city, but it ishistoric and beautiful. Krasnodar ison Kuban river.

№ слайда 3 This is Pushkinskaya square. It is very beautiful.Ekaterina’s Monument is in the
Описание слайда:

This is Pushkinskaya square. It is very beautiful.Ekaterina’s Monument is in the centreof the square.

№ слайда 4 There are many museums and libraries in Krasnodar.The Museum of History and Arch
Описание слайда:

There are many museums and libraries in Krasnodar.The Museum of History and Archeology A. S. Pushkin’s Library Kovalenko’s Art Museum

№ слайда 5 There are many city centres in Krasnodar , but I like “ Red Square”.
Описание слайда:

There are many city centres in Krasnodar , but I like “ Red Square”.

№ слайда 6 I can buy fantastic things there: clothes and shoes, computers and TVs, food and
Описание слайда:

I can buy fantastic things there: clothes and shoes, computers and TVs, food and drinks, toys, books, CDs and so on.

№ слайда 7 You can have a good time there.Sit in a café.See a good film.Skate with your fri
Описание слайда:

You can have a good time there.Sit in a café.See a good film.Skate with your friends.Take photos.

№ слайда 8 Krasnodar is a city of parks.
Описание слайда:

Krasnodar is a city of parks.

№ слайда 9 “Sun Island Park” is the most interesting. You can see a lot of animals in “Safa
Описание слайда:

“Sun Island Park” is the most interesting. You can see a lot of animals in “Safari park”. Look at them!

№ слайда 10 to Krasnodar!
Описание слайда:

to Krasnodar!

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