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Презентация на тему: AC/DC alternative current/direct current

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Презентация на тему: AC/DC alternative current/direct current

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№ слайда 1 school radio station AC/DCalternative current/direct current
Описание слайда:

school radio station AC/DCalternative current/direct current

№ слайда 2 Our programmes 1. Funny stories (call us and tell funny stories that have happen
Описание слайда:

Our programmes 1. Funny stories (call us and tell funny stories that have happened in our school)2. Hit-parade (send us sms with the name of your favorite song)3. Good Monday!4. Hi, weekends!5. Advertisements

№ слайда 3 Music Cause we are not psychologists (we don’t know what kind of music you like)
Описание слайда:

Music Cause we are not psychologists (we don’t know what kind of music you like), we want to ask you to send sms with songs that you want to hearBut if you don’t do it, we have sample list of musical groups and singers that many teenagers like and not only they

№ слайда 4 Here it is: DDTKinoSplinBrigadnyj podrjadThe OffspringLumenPilot
Описание слайда:

Here it is: DDTKinoSplinBrigadnyj podrjadThe OffspringLumenPilot

№ слайда 5 Our DJs: VladikIrikLenkaStjopik
Описание слайда:

Our DJs: VladikIrikLenkaStjopik

№ слайда 6 OPENING! AC/DC’s opening will be celebrated in the boarding house “Burevestnik”.
Описание слайда:

OPENING! AC/DC’s opening will be celebrated in the boarding house “Burevestnik”.1. concert2. gala dinner3. disco4. and a lot of music!

№ слайда 7 Also quiz will be on our first day. Its name is “Recognize the voice of your tea
Описание слайда:

Also quiz will be on our first day. Its name is “Recognize the voice of your teacher”. This is a unique opportunity to win a prize – plush frog!

№ слайда 8 We work on all breaks on Monday and Saturday.See you soon!With Love,school radio
Описание слайда:

We work on all breaks on Monday and Saturday.See you soon!With Love,school radio stationAC/DC...

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