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Презентация на тему: Phonics Mini Lessons

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Презентация на тему: Phonics Mini Lessons

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№ слайда 1 Phonics Mini Lessons Why are some words easy to read and others look like a fore
Описание слайда:

Phonics Mini Lessons Why are some words easy to read and others look like a foreign language?

№ слайда 2 Well, it has to do withvowels and their patternsopen syllable closed syllablelon
Описание слайда:

Well, it has to do withvowels and their patternsopen syllable closed syllablelonely eNo catRomeZe nulageGra ticike

№ слайда 3 Does the vowel say itslong or short sound?A e i o u
Описание слайда:

Does the vowel say itslong or short sound?A e i o u

№ слайда 4 More vowels makea more complex pattern.Ooaiew
Описание слайда:

More vowels makea more complex pattern.Ooaiew

№ слайда 5 It also has to do withsight words-they don'tfollow typical patterns.
Описание слайда:

It also has to do withsight words-they don'tfollow typical patterns.

№ слайда 6 Let me explain . . . If you identify the vowel sound or memorize the sight word,
Описание слайда:

Let me explain . . . If you identify the vowel sound or memorize the sight word, you can read words that use to make you twist and shout.

№ слайда 7 Here’s how There are 3 main parts to the phonics mini lessons that will help you
Описание слайда:

Here’s how There are 3 main parts to the phonics mini lessons that will help you sound out new words.blending stepstypes of syllableswhere to break

№ слайда 8 Blending Steps Identify the vowel sound Blend from the beginningBlend to the end
Описание слайда:

Blending Steps Identify the vowel sound Blend from the beginningBlend to the endSay it fast

№ слайда 9 Types of Syllables opend o t closeddo lonely edome
Описание слайда:

Types of Syllables opend o t closeddo lonely edome

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Описание слайда:

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Описание слайда:

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