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Презентация на тему: Grammar Checker

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Презентация на тему: Grammar Checker

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№ слайда 1 Grammar Checke r Grade 3
Описание слайда:

Grammar Checke r Grade 3

№ слайда 2 Directions: Students can use this presentation to underline and identify the sub
Описание слайда:

Directions: Students can use this presentation to underline and identify the subject, predicate, nouns, or verb. Click the mouse to see the answers.To use the pen option of PowerPoint you must be in the show view (F5). Wiggle the mouse 5 or 6 times until you see a triangle shape in the lower left corner of the screen.Click the triangle and choose Pointer…Pen.Your mouse will become a pen that you can click and drag to underline.

№ слайда 3 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the nouns. Mary walked to the bus with her d
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the nouns. Mary walked to the bus with her dog.My aunt bought eggs, bread, and milk from the supermarket.The train flew down the tracks without stopping.Those girls finished their homework and then watched TV.

№ слайда 4 The Answers Mary walked to the bus with her dog.My aunt bought eggs, bread, and
Описание слайда:

The Answers Mary walked to the bus with her dog.My aunt bought eggs, bread, and milk from the supermarket.The train flew down the tracks without stopping.Those girls finished their homework and then watched TV.

№ слайда 5 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the nouns. The library was closed due to the
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the nouns. The library was closed due to the heavy rain.That cat has a very sneaky smile.His grandfather fought in WWII.We visited London and saw the palace where the queen lives.

№ слайда 6 The Answers The library was closed due to the heavy rain.That cat has a very sne
Описание слайда:

The Answers The library was closed due to the heavy rain.That cat has a very sneaky smile.His grandfather fought in WWII.We visited London and saw the palace where the queen lives.

№ слайда 7 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the verbs. Alice walked with her brother to
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the verbs. Alice walked with her brother to school.The fish fried in the pan for hours.Mary hurriedly carried her books to her classroom.Our class enjoyed the new assignment.

№ слайда 8 The Answers Alice walked with her brother to school.The fish fried in the pan fo
Описание слайда:

The Answers Alice walked with her brother to school.The fish fried in the pan for hours.Mary hurriedly carried her books to her classroom.Our class enjoyed the new assignment.

№ слайда 9 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the verbs. The bird chirped loudly through t
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the verbs. The bird chirped loudly through the trees.Our principal worried about the coming snow.Not everyone finished their homework.Our house stands at the end of the street.

№ слайда 10 The Answers The bird chirped loudly through the trees.Our principal worried abou
Описание слайда:

The Answers The bird chirped loudly through the trees.Our principal worried about the coming snow.Not everyone finished their homework.Our house stands at the end of the street.

№ слайда 11 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the subject. Mary walked to the bus with her
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the subject. Mary walked to the bus with her dog.My aunt bought eggs, bread, and milk from the supermarket.The train flew down the tracks without stopping.Those girls finished their homework and then watched TV.

№ слайда 12 The Answers Mary walked to the bus with her dog.My aunt bought eggs, bread, and
Описание слайда:

The Answers Mary walked to the bus with her dog.My aunt bought eggs, bread, and milk from the supermarket.The train flew down the tracks without stopping.Those girls finished their homework and then watched TV.

№ слайда 13 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the subject. The library was closed due to t
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the subject. The library was closed due to the heavy rain.That cat has a very sneaky smile.His old grandfather fought in WWII.We visited London and saw the palace where the queen lives.

№ слайда 14 The Answers The library was closed due to the heavy rain.That cat has a very sne
Описание слайда:

The Answers The library was closed due to the heavy rain.That cat has a very sneaky smile.His old grandfather fought in WWII.We visited London and saw the palace where the queen lives.

№ слайда 15 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the predicate. Alice walked with her brother
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the predicate. Alice walked with her brother to school.The fish fried in the pan for hours.Mary hurriedly carried her books to her classroom.Our class enjoyed the new assignment.

№ слайда 16 The Answers Alice walked with her brother to school.The fish fried in the pan fo
Описание слайда:

The Answers Alice walked with her brother to school.The fish fried in the pan for hours.Mary hurriedly carried her books to her classroom.Our class enjoyed the new assignment.

№ слайда 17 Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the predicate. The bird chirped loudly throu
Описание слайда:

Use the PowerPoint Pen to underline the predicate. The bird chirped loudly through the trees.Our principal worried about the coming snow.Not everyone finished their homework.Our house stands at the end of the street.

№ слайда 18 The Answers The bird chirped loudly through the trees.Our principal worried abou
Описание слайда:

The Answers The bird chirped loudly through the trees.Our principal worried about the coming snow.Not everyone finished their homework.Our house stands at the end of the street.

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