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Презентация на тему: Who wants to be the champion?

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Презентация на тему: Who wants to be the champion?

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№ слайда 1 Who wants to be the champion? Teacher:E.T.Ignatieva
Описание слайда:

Who wants to be the champion? Teacher:E.T.Ignatieva

№ слайда 2 Start the game Hello boys and girls! Glad to see you. We’ll begin our game. I wa
Описание слайда:

Start the game Hello boys and girls! Glad to see you. We’ll begin our game. I want all the pupil to take part in the game. We’ll choose the first partner. Well, check your memory on the knowledge of the presidents. Your task is: put the presidents of the USA in time order, please. If you are ready, quickly raise your hands!1)Washington2) Roosevelt3)Lincoln4) Clinton5)Kennedy

№ слайда 3 Key: 1)Washington2)Lincoln3) Roosevelt4)Kennedy 5) Clinton
Описание слайда:

Key: 1)Washington2)Lincoln3) Roosevelt4)Kennedy 5) Clinton

№ слайда 4 Game №1 Let’s greet our first partner. We congratulate you! Come here, sit down,
Описание слайда:

Game №1 Let’s greet our first partner. We congratulate you! Come here, sit down, please. Introduce yourself. What is your name?.. I must explain you the rules of the game. You can use: - 50:50 -ask your friend to help you -ask the audience So, I wish you good luck! A great ship ask for deep waters. Let’s begin!

№ слайда 5 1000 40000 1)Your father’s sister is your:2) The largest city in Wales is:
Описание слайда:

1000 40000 1)Your father’s sister is your:2) The largest city in Wales is:

№ слайда 6 16000 640000 3) Washington is named after:4) Hyde Park is in:
Описание слайда:

16000 640000 3) Washington is named after:4) Hyde Park is in:

№ слайда 7 250000 500000 5) The Lincoln Memorial is situated in:6) Who was the youngest ele
Описание слайда:

250000 500000 5) The Lincoln Memorial is situated in:6) Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the USA?

№ слайда 8 1000000 7) The head of the English government is:
Описание слайда:

1000000 7) The head of the English government is:

№ слайда 9 The next game Put these British holidays in order (starting from December): 1)Ch
Описание слайда:

The next game Put these British holidays in order (starting from December): 1)Christmas2)Mother’s Day3)Valentine’s Day4)April Fools’ Day5) Thanksgiving Day

№ слайда 10 Key: 1)Christmas2)Valentine’s Day 3)April Fools’ Day 4)Mother’s Day5)Thanksgivin
Описание слайда:

Key: 1)Christmas2)Valentine’s Day 3)April Fools’ Day 4)Mother’s Day5)Thanksgiving Day

№ слайда 11 1000 4000 1)Cheese is made of:2)The biggest city in Scotland is:
Описание слайда:

1000 4000 1)Cheese is made of:2)The biggest city in Scotland is:

№ слайда 12 16000 64000 3)The oldest part in London is:4)Which is the nearest neighbor to Gr
Описание слайда:

16000 64000 3)The oldest part in London is:4)Which is the nearest neighbor to Great Britain?

№ слайда 13 250000 500000 5) Christopher Columbus discovered America in:6)The first English
Описание слайда:

250000 500000 5) Christopher Columbus discovered America in:6)The first English sett- lements appeared in:

№ слайда 14 1000000 The first colonists started the tradition of:The end!!!!
Описание слайда:

1000000 The first colonists started the tradition of:The end!!!!

№ слайда 15 The new game Name the holiday which belongs only to American people:1)Christmas2
Описание слайда:

The new game Name the holiday which belongs only to American people:1)Christmas2)Halloween3)Independence Day4)Mother’s Day

№ слайда 16 Key: Independence Day
Описание слайда:

Key: Independence Day

№ слайда 17 1000 4000 1)On the 4th of July Americans celebrate: 2)Who was the 42nd American
Описание слайда:

1000 4000 1)On the 4th of July Americans celebrate: 2)Who was the 42nd American President:

№ слайда 18 16000 64000 3)What was Abraham Lincoln?4)The US President’s term is
Описание слайда:

16000 64000 3)What was Abraham Lincoln?4)The US President’s term is

№ слайда 19 250000 500000 5)How many stripes are there on the American flag?6)The national o
Описание слайда:

250000 500000 5)How many stripes are there on the American flag?6)The national official symbol of the USA is:

№ слайда 20 1000000 Sir Christopher Wren built:
Описание слайда:

1000000 Sir Christopher Wren built:

№ слайда 21 Our game is over
Описание слайда:

Our game is over

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