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Презентация на тему: The ways to save the Earth

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Презентация на тему: The ways to save the Earth

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№ слайда 1 The ways to save the Earth We help nature
Описание слайда:

The ways to save the Earth We help nature

№ слайда 2 Learn to pronounce the words: Protect natureDestroy wildlifeDamage naturePollute
Описание слайда:

Learn to pronounce the words: Protect natureDestroy wildlifeDamage naturePollute natureDisturb wild animalsThrow away litterSpoil the environmentReduce using…Reuse…Recycle…Feed birdsPlant treesThrow garbage in…Hurt animalsStop people from…Cut down treesRaise money for…Extinct animals

№ слайда 3 Say it in English: Кормить птицРазрушать леса Охранять природу Уменьшать загрязн
Описание слайда:

Say it in English: Кормить птицРазрушать леса Охранять природу Уменьшать загрязнение Выбрасывать мусор Загрязнять природуСадить деревьяПерерабатывать мусор Рубить деревьяВновь использоватьПортить окружающую среду Калечить животныхБеспокоить птиц

№ слайда 4 The 3Rs rule: Make word combinations:REUSE…Reduce…GLASS BOTTLESPLASTIC CONTAINER
Описание слайда:

The 3Rs rule: Make word combinations:REUSE…Reduce…GLASS BOTTLESPLASTIC CONTAINERSPLASTIC BOTTLESusing electricityusing waterpollution

№ слайда 5 Recycle… Stop people from…cutting down foreststhrowing away litterbeing cruel to
Описание слайда:

Recycle… Stop people from…cutting down foreststhrowing away litterbeing cruel to animalspolluting air, water, landRaise money for…helping wild animalssaving the environment

№ слайда 6 Answer the questions: What does the 3Rs rule mean?What must we reduce?What can p
Описание слайда:

Answer the questions: What does the 3Rs rule mean?What must we reduce?What can people recycle?What do we reuse?What must people stop doing?What can we raise money for?

№ слайда 7 Do you know that…? An average family of four produces:100lbs.(about 50 kg.) of g
Описание слайда:

Do you know that…? An average family of four produces:100lbs.(about 50 kg.) of garbage in a week. Time needed to disintegrate these items: Banana peel - 2-3 weeks; Winter socks - more than a year; Plastic bag - 30 years; Newspaper - 6 months;

№ слайда 8 Quiz time How long would it take to disintegrate these items?
Описание слайда:

Quiz time How long would it take to disintegrate these items?

№ слайда 9 Why is important to help nature?(continue the sentences) When we throw litter aw
Описание слайда:

Why is important to help nature?(continue the sentences) When we throw litter away, the land is…When people cut down forests, the wildlife is…If we throw garbage in water, water is…If we don’t recycle paper, many trees are…If we don’t save plastic bags or bottles, the environment is…

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