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Презентация на тему: Несколько советов успешной сдачи экзамена

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Презентация на тему: Несколько советов успешной сдачи экзамена

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№ слайда 1 ПисьмоДокладчик: учитель высшей категории МОУ СОШ № 33Шатохина В.В.
Описание слайда:

ПисьмоДокладчик: учитель высшей категории МОУ СОШ № 33Шатохина В.В.

№ слайда 2 Несколько советов успешной сдачи экзамена. Необходимо обратить особое внимание н
Описание слайда:

Несколько советов успешной сдачи экзамена. Необходимо обратить особое внимание на внешнее оформление вашего текста: расположение частей письма/открытки и последовательности изложения событий, так как в английском языке этому придается большее значение, чем в русском.Существует стандартный набор общепринятых фраз для начала и завершения письма – их вполне достаточно, не стоит изобретать новые.Четко обозначайте начало очередного абзаца. Используйте общепринятые вводные слова, союзы и речевые обороты для большей связности создаваемого вами текста.В задании содержится достаточно подробный план изложения событий – постарайтесь ничего не пропустить.Следите за правильным употреблением грамматических норм и слов в контексте.

№ слайда 3 ПИСЬМОличного характера Написание личного письма с употреблением формул речевого
Описание слайда:

ПИСЬМОличного характера Написание личного письма с употреблением формул речевого этикета, принятых в стране изучаемого языка, с изложением новостей, рассказом об отдельных фактах и событиях своей жизни, с выражением своих суждений и чувств, описанием планов на будущее и расспросе об аналогичной информации партнера по письменному общению.

№ слайда 4 An informal letter is similar in style to someone speaking, but don’t be too con
Описание слайда:

An informal letter is similar in style to someone speaking, but don’t be too conversational Use contractions Make it interesting and amusingBe enthusiastic (unless something terrible has happened!)Start your letter with Dear + first nameEnd your letter with Best wishes/Love + your first name

№ слайда 5 Informal letter 1 When you are writing an informal letter (to a friend, pen-frie
Описание слайда:

Informal letter 1 When you are writing an informal letter (to a friend, pen-friend or cousin, for example) remember to use a chatty, conversational style with informal grammar and vocabulary.2 Remember, however, that paragraphs are still important in an informal letter.3 Remember that you will get credit for using more than one way of saying something.For example, when you are making suggestions, try to use different ways of suggesting.Be careful, though, to make sure that you use an appropriate style for each suggestion you make.

№ слайда 6 Read this task You have just got back home after staying with a pen-friend in Br
Описание слайда:

Read this task You have just got back home after staying with a pen-friend in Britain. When you get back home you find this e-mail message waiting for you. Write a letter to say thank you to your friend. Describe what you liked about your visit, the journey back home and what you are doing at the moment. Invite your friend to visit your country in the future.

№ слайда 7 Dear Sylvia, Hi. I just thought I’d send you this message to say hello. Did you
Описание слайда:

Dear Sylvia, Hi. I just thought I’d send you this message to say hello. Did you get back all right? Was the flight smooth? I hope there weren’t too many delays. It was great having you here. I hope you had a good time too and that it wasn’t too cold for you, after the hot weather in your country. Anyway, you’re always welcome to come back, any time. Write soon. Best wishes, Bob

№ слайда 8 Now read this model answer. Label the paragraphs using the following summary hea
Описание слайда:

Now read this model answer. Label the paragraphs using the following summary headings: details of flightenjoyable visitclosing commentsinvitationsigning off

№ слайда 9 Dear Bob, Thank’s for your e-mail message. It was great to read it as soon as I
Описание слайда:

Dear Bob, Thank’s for your e-mail message. It was great to read it as soon as I got back. Anyway, I’m writing you this letter because my e-mail isn’t working for some reason. Strange.Anyway I had a really great time with you. I loved all the opened space – the parks and the countryside. I practically liked our bike rides near the lake. And the food was lovely. It wasn’t what I’m used to, but it was different!The flight back was fine. There was a short delay at the airport, but we got away after an hour or so. I’ve been quite busy since I got back, which is another reason why I haven’t written before. Nothing much has changed since I went away. My little sister still plays around with my computer but she hasn’t broken anything yet.That’s all for now. Write soon and don’t forget to say hi to Mary for me. And your mum and dad.Best wishes, Sylvia

№ слайда 10 Now it’s your turn. Write your letter following these instructions You have rece
Описание слайда:

Now it’s your turn. Write your letter following these instructions You have received this postcard from a friend. Write a letter to your English friend explaining how your life has changed since you started university in England. Suggest a time when you can meet in London. Write between 120 and 180 words, using the plan below to help you. Hi Helen! Hope you got to Manchester OK. What’s the University like? Hope there are lots of nice people. Why don’t you come down to London some time? There are some great concerts on. My number is 0171 9867332. Love, Tony

№ слайда 11 How to write a letter Paragraph 1 Say thanks.When did you get his letter? Why ha
Описание слайда:

How to write a letter Paragraph 1 Say thanks.When did you get his letter? Why haven’t you written? Paragraph 2What’s Manchester like? Have you met any nice people? What are the lectures like? Paragraph 3Thank Tony for inviting you to London.When can you visit him?What would you like to do there?Paragraph 4Close the letter.

№ слайда 12 Transactional letter The following reply to the advertisement is in the wrong or
Описание слайда:

Transactional letter The following reply to the advertisement is in the wrong order. Number the paragraphs a –h in the correct order.A I would also like to know where the work will take place. I would like to work in my own area if possible. I believe there are a lot of ecological problems in my town.B Yours faithfully,C I look forward to hearing from you,D I would be grateful if you could tell me what kind of work is involved and whether I would need any special qualifications. Also, how old do volunteers need to be? I am sixteen years old and I live in Hull. I do not have much experience of environmental work but I like going for walks. I recently started bird-watching as a hobby.E Finally, could you tell me when the work would be as I would prefer summer work. I go to school but I have a lot of free time in the holidays.F Dear Sir or Madam,G If there is anything else I need to know please let me know.H I am writing to ask for more information in connection with your “Call for Volunteers” to help Greenpeace. I am not a member of Greenpeace but I would like to know more about how I can help.

№ слайда 13 Correct these mistakes from a student’s letter I want more informations.I write
Описание слайда:

Correct these mistakes from a student’s letter I want more informations.I write to ask for details.I have fifteen years and I am going to school.Tell me what kind of work do you do.I am not having much experience.At last, I would like to ask for the membership. I am look forward to hear from you. I have read your leaflet in a magazine recently

№ слайда 14 Grammar focus The verb “suggest” can be used in the following ways:I suggest bui
Описание слайда:

Grammar focus The verb “suggest” can be used in the following ways:I suggest building a flood barrier.(-ing form)I suggest (that) the town builds a flood barrier. (that clause)I suggest (that) the town should build a flood barrier. (that clause with should)I suggest a flood barrier. (noun)I suggest that the town build a flood barrier. (is also possible, but very formal and not used very often)

№ слайда 15 ЭССЕ Описание событий/фактов/явлений, в том числе с выражением собственного мнен
Описание слайда:

ЭССЕ Описание событий/фактов/явлений, в том числе с выражением собственного мнения/суждения.

№ слайда 16 For the following sentences, choose the most appropriate word or expression in b
Описание слайда:

For the following sentences, choose the most appropriate word or expression in bold. There is an example at the beginning (0) 0 (Despite)/ Although the changeable weather, Britain is a very pleasant country to visit.1 Despite/ Although it rains a lot, it never gets very cold.2 Learning English in an English-speaking country can be very rewarding. Furthermore / Nevertheless, it can be very difficult to adjust to a new way of life.3 English is spoken as a first language in a lot of countries. Furthemore / Nevertheless, it is also the language of international communication.4 London is a very busy city, whereas / however towns like Oxford and Cambridge are slightly more relaxed.5 The pressures of living in a big city can be very demanding. Whereas / However, city life does have its rewards.

№ слайда 17 6 In my opinion / According to me, the more languages you speak, the better your
Описание слайда:

6 In my opinion / According to me, the more languages you speak, the better your future prospects.7 I believe that / consider travel makes you more aware of the world around you.8 Many people consider / believe that the internet to be the most important invention since the wheel.9 On one side / hand, developments in information technology are changing our lives. On the other side / hand, they are moving too quickly for us to keep up.10 It is certainly true that the environment is in trouble. First of all / In the beginning, pollution is making the air almost unbreathable in big cities. Next / Secondly, industrial pollution causes global warming, which is affecting the polar ice caps. Moreover / Then destruction of rainforests is destroying wildlife.11 The air in cities is often very dirty, in contrast / while the air in the country is usually fresh and clean.12 The weather in Spain is often warm and sunny. While / In contrast, England is often cold and damp.13 In the end / In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone should try to learn English in an English-speaking environment.14 There are many things you can do to improve your English, but in the end / in conclusion there is no substitute for taking a course in an English-speaking country.

№ слайда 18 Read the composition below. Which paragraphs have the following functions? 1 to
Описание слайда:

Read the composition below. Which paragraphs have the following functions? 1 to make a statement 2 to justify the statement using examples 3 to sum up The most important school subjects Nowadays, we have to study a lot of subjects at school. Although most subjects can be interesting, I think the most important subjects are those which are useful, that is, those which help you to find a job. In my opinion, we shouldn’t have to study subjects which are not useful, such as Latin. Latin is a language that nobody speaks, and is therefore not likely to be useful in many jobs. English, on the other hand, ought to be taught because we might find it useful for writing letters and applications. We might also need English to express ourselves in interviews for a job. Information technology is another important subject. It should be taught because everyone will need to use computers in the future, otherwise they won’t be able to get a job. In conclusion, subjects such as classical languages might be interesting but they aren’t important in terms of getting a job. Personally speaking, I think subjects should be useful, but they should be interesting too.

№ слайда 19 An opinion composition expresses the writer’s personal opinion about a particula
Описание слайда:

An opinion composition expresses the writer’s personal opinion about a particular subject and contains arguments that support that opinion. Here are some tips on writing a good opinion composition: Use a formal or semi-formal stile Make sure that all the points you include are relevant to the subject State your opinion in the introduction Begin a new paragraph for each main point and give examples or supporting arguments Use linking words to connect your ideas in each paragraph, and to link the paragraphs together In the conclusion, summarize your main points and re-state your opinion in different words

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