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Презентация на тему: Molokovka (military sanatorium)

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Презентация на тему: Molokovka (military sanatorium)

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№ слайда 1 Molokovka(military sanatorium) Multimedia presentation to the investigational wo
Описание слайда:

Molokovka(military sanatorium) Multimedia presentation to the investigational workAuthor: Berdnik Arinaschool 49, Chita

№ слайда 2 The beginning of the beginnings Приемное отделение и Управление
Описание слайда:

The beginning of the beginnings Приемное отделение и Управление

№ слайда 3 Good night 1-stSleeping house
Описание слайда:

Good night 1-stSleeping house

№ слайда 4 At the memory of people 2-ndSleeping houseFor 100 people(now it is on reconstruc
Описание слайда:

At the memory of people 2-ndSleeping houseFor 100 people(now it is on reconstruction)

№ слайда 5 All the best for people Generals sleeping house(3-rd)
Описание слайда:

All the best for people Generals sleeping house(3-rd)

№ слайда 6 Sports grounds Tennis-court Skating-rink
Описание слайда:

Sports grounds Tennis-court Skating-rink

№ слайда 7 All for the health Cabinet of the medical physical culture Sauna
Описание слайда:

All for the health Cabinet of the medical physical culture Sauna

№ слайда 8 “Natural” medical treatment Water hospital Hospital with the medical mud
Описание слайда:

“Natural” medical treatment Water hospital Hospital with the medical mud

№ слайда 9 Feed with the good The dining room, the club and the library
Описание слайда:

Feed with the good The dining room, the club and the library

№ слайда 10 The way to life Our life is a road to somewhere
Описание слайда:

The way to life Our life is a road to somewhere

№ слайда 11 The rest for the benefit The rest is good for health Fresh air and beautiful nat
Описание слайда:

The rest for the benefit The rest is good for health Fresh air and beautiful nature

№ слайда 12 It is so beautiful there The snow-whites palace Or just a hut
Описание слайда:

It is so beautiful there The snow-whites palace Or just a hut

№ слайда 13 Here are different summer-houses You can eat there Or just to talk
Описание слайда:

Here are different summer-houses You can eat there Or just to talk

№ слайда 14 Like at the old times Beautiful, comfortable And nobody disturb you
Описание слайда:

Like at the old times Beautiful, comfortable And nobody disturb you

№ слайда 15 “Crosses (“Devils”) Peak” “The Castle of love and craft”
Описание слайда:

“Crosses (“Devils”) Peak” “The Castle of love and craft”

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