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Презентация на тему: Minsk Suvorov Military School

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Презентация на тему: Minsk Suvorov Military School

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№ слайда 1 Minsk Suvorov Military School Minsk 2009
Описание слайда:

Minsk Suvorov Military School Minsk 2009

№ слайда 2 Outstanding military leaderAlexander Suvorov Suvorovite ChernenkoАвторы: Suvorov
Описание слайда:

Outstanding military leaderAlexander Suvorov Suvorovite ChernenkoАвторы: Suvorovite Alekseev Vice-sergeant KhozyaninРуководитель: T.N.Melnik

№ слайда 3 Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov (1729-1800)
Описание слайда:

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov (1729-1800)

№ слайда 4 Childhood Suvorov was born in Moscow on November 24 1730 in the family of an off
Описание слайда:

Childhood Suvorov was born in Moscow on November 24 1730 in the family of an officer He decided to become a military man. But he was not a strong boy and began to prepare himself for the service in the army. He joined the army in 1742 as a private. At the age of 24 he became an officer.

№ слайда 5 Millitary carrier CopralLieutenantColonelFieldmarshalGENERALISSIMO
Описание слайда:

Millitary carrier CopralLieutenantColonelFieldmarshalGENERALISSIMO

№ слайда 6 Operations against the Turks (1768—1774, 1787—1792 ) Polish campaign(1794) Famou
Описание слайда:

Operations against the Turks (1768—1774, 1787—1792 ) Polish campaign(1794) Famous military operations Italian campaign (1799) Swiss campaign (1799)

№ слайда 7 Operations against the Turks
Описание слайда:

Operations against the Turks

№ слайда 8 In the night of December 11, 1790 the Russian army began the storm of the fortre
Описание слайда:

In the night of December 11, 1790 the Russian army began the storm of the fortress. There were 45.000 Turks in the fortress when the Russian army was 30.000 men strong. It was a server battle. Ismail

№ слайда 9 Suvorov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army.
Описание слайда:

Suvorov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian army.

№ слайда 10 Polish campaign 1794
Описание слайда:

Polish campaign 1794

№ слайда 11 After the Polish campaign Ekaterina I appointed him the Fieldmarshal
Описание слайда:

After the Polish campaign Ekaterina I appointed him the Fieldmarshal

№ слайда 12 Italian march The campaign opened with a series of Suvorov's victories (Cassano
Описание слайда:

Italian march The campaign opened with a series of Suvorov's victories (Cassano d'Adda, Trebbia, Novi). This reduced the French government to desperate straits and drove every French soldier from Italy

№ слайда 13 Swiss compaign Despite all of his protests, Suvorov was ordered by Emperor Paul
Описание слайда:

Swiss compaign Despite all of his protests, Suvorov was ordered by Emperor Paul to transfer his troops to Switzerland, where they came under the command of the incompetent Alexander Korsakov, who was defeated by Andre Massena at the Second Battle of Zurich.

№ слайда 14 Swiss campaign Crossing through the Alps When Suvorov battled his way through th
Описание слайда:

Swiss campaign Crossing through the Alps When Suvorov battled his way through the snow-capped Alps his army was checked but never defeated. Crossing through Paniks in 1799

№ слайда 15 Suvorov’s Swiss campaign was the triumph of the Russian army and Suvorov militar
Описание слайда:

Suvorov’s Swiss campaign was the triumph of the Russian army and Suvorov military strategy. He was promoted to the rank of Generalissimo, the fourth in all of Russian history

№ слайда 16 After the war Suvorov wrote his splendid book "The Art of War", in which he gave
Описание слайда:

After the war Suvorov wrote his splendid book "The Art of War", in which he gave the main principles of troop training.

№ слайда 17 Monuments to Alexander Suvorov Monument near Troickij bridge Monument in Moscow
Описание слайда:

Monuments to Alexander Suvorov Monument near Troickij bridge Monument in Moscow Monument in Sevastopol

№ слайда 18
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 19 There are many museums which are connected with the name of Suvorov Suvorov monu
Описание слайда:

There are many museums which are connected with the name of Suvorov Suvorov monument in the Swiss Alps Suvorov Memorial Museum in Saint Petersburg Suvorov Museum in Kobryn

№ слайда 20 In honour of Suvorov our government established the orders of Suvorov
Описание слайда:

In honour of Suvorov our government established the orders of Suvorov

№ слайда 21 Military schools During the Great Patriotik war special schools were established
Описание слайда:

Military schools During the Great Patriotik war special schools were established.Theese schools were named after Suvorov the Suvorov Schools. In St. Petersburg In Yekaterinburg Minsk Suvorov Military School

№ слайда 22 Minsk Suvorov military school was established in 1953 by the decision of the Sov
Описание слайда:

Minsk Suvorov military school was established in 1953 by the decision of the Soviet Government

№ слайда 23 At this year minsk suvorov military school selebrated birthday
Описание слайда:

At this year minsk suvorov military school selebrated birthday

№ слайда 24 278 Anniversary of the birth of A. Suvorov
Описание слайда:

278 Anniversary of the birth of A. Suvorov

№ слайда 25 CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE II. Answer the following questions. 1. What was A.V. Suvoro
Описание слайда:

CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE II. Answer the following questions. 1. What was A.V. Suvorov?2. How well was he educated.?5. When was he born?4. Into what family was he born?5. What did Suvorov work hard to prepare himself?6. What did he show great interest in?7. What regiment did he join in 1747?6. What rank was he promoted to?9. What did he take part in?10. When was he appointed commander of the Astrachan Regiment?11. Against whom did he successfully direct operations?

№ слайда 26 12. Did his troops win victory after victory?13. What fortress did the Russian t
Описание слайда:

12. Did his troops win victory after victory?13. What fortress did the Russian troops surround and destroy?14. To what rank was Suvorov promoted for his military skill?15. What book did A.V. Suvorov write?16. What principles did he describe in his book?17. What did the Russian soldiers under Suvorov display?18. What campaign was the triumph of Suvorov military strategy?19. What title did Suvorov receive?20. How old was Suvorov when he died?21. What order did the Soviet Government establish in honor of the great military leader?22. What schools were established during the Great Patriotic War?23. Who studies and receives education there?24. After whom were these schools named?

№ слайда 27 I. Put the missing words1). For many years Russia waged wars against Turkey for
Описание слайда:

I. Put the missing words1). For many years Russia waged wars against Turkey for the ___ to the Black Sea.2). It was very important for Russia to ___ the fortress Ismail.3). In 1790 Suvorov ___ Commander-in-chief of the Russian army.4). Suvorov studied the terrain and the condition of the enemy ___ .5). Suvorov determined the place where to strike the main ___ on the enemy.6). The Russian field artillery ___ down the streets of the fortress.7). By the evening all ___ was crushed and Russia ___ the great victory.

№ слайда 28 True or FalseSwiss Campaign1). In 1797 Russia joined the coalition of France.2).
Описание слайда:

True or FalseSwiss Campaign1). In 1797 Russia joined the coalition of France.2). In 1799 Russia waged a war against revolutionary France in coalition with Austria, England, Turkey.3). The Austrian command decided to transform Suvorov from Italy to Switzerland to join the Russian Army under the command of general Rimski – Korsakov.4). The Austrian command transformed Suvorov’s army to fight the French army 80.000 men strong.5). The Sea Gotard crossing was the longest but the easiest crossing.6). To be in time with the help to Rimski – Korsakov army Suvorov had to hurry and chose the shortest but the most difficult crossing.

№ слайда 29 7). It was a very difficult march, but the weather was not bad.8). The weather w
Описание слайда:

7). It was a very difficult march, but the weather was not bad.8). The weather was cold and severe with strong wind and rain.9). The Russian army was ready to this march. The government sent ammunition and provision to our army.10). After the battles in Italy the soldiers were exhausted, they had no clothing and provision, had no ammunition.11). The armies of coalition acted in close cooperation with Suvorov’s army.12). The commanders of the Austrian army didn’t help our army, they decided and betrayed Suvorov all the t???13). The Russian soldiers rushed into attack and pressed the French army to The Devil Bridge.14). This campaign showed the great spirit of the Russian soldiers and the brilliand command of their leader.

№ слайда 30
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№ слайда 31
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