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Презентация на тему: London Museums

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Презентация на тему: London Museums

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 The British Museum The British Museum The Natural History Museum The National Ga
Описание слайда:

The British Museum The British Museum The Natural History Museum The National Gallery The National Portrait Gallery The Museum of London Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) The Tate Gallery The Science Museum

№ слайда 3
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№ слайда 4
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№ слайда 5 The museum is famous for Egyptian mummies and Elgin Marbles. The museum is famou
Описание слайда:

The museum is famous for Egyptian mummies and Elgin Marbles. The museum is famous for Egyptian mummies and Elgin Marbles.

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7 One of the first things you’ll see on entering the Central Hall is the massive s
Описание слайда:

One of the first things you’ll see on entering the Central Hall is the massive skeleton of Diplodocus – one of the largest creatures that ever lived. One of the first things you’ll see on entering the Central Hall is the massive skeleton of Diplodocus – one of the largest creatures that ever lived.

№ слайда 8 The National Gallery houses the national collection of Western European painting
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The National Gallery houses the national collection of Western European painting, comprising more than 2000 pictures dating from the late 13th to the early 20th century. The Gallery was founded in 1824

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№ слайда 11 The collection which is arranged chronologically, begins with the Tudors and the
Описание слайда:

The collection which is arranged chronologically, begins with the Tudors and their predecessors. The collection which is arranged chronologically, begins with the Tudors and their predecessors. The collection includes such treasure as Holbein’s Cartoon of Henry VII, portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, the portrait of Shakespeare and celebrated images of Charles I, Charles II and his mistress.

№ слайда 12 The Museum of London is the largest and most comprehensive city museum in the wo
Описание слайда:

The Museum of London is the largest and most comprehensive city museum in the world. It is dedicated to the story of London and its people. Where else could you see a Roman bikini, an old Selfridges’s lift, an 18th-century debtor’s prison, as well as royal treasures? The Museum of London is the largest and most comprehensive city museum in the world. It is dedicated to the story of London and its people. Where else could you see a Roman bikini, an old Selfridges’s lift, an 18th-century debtor’s prison, as well as royal treasures?

№ слайда 13 You can also see a Lord Mayor’s State Coach, stand in You can also see a Lord Ma
Описание слайда:

You can also see a Lord Mayor’s State Coach, stand in You can also see a Lord Mayor’s State Coach, stand in Roman kitchen, and Relieve the Great Fire of London, and look down on the city’s Roman Wall.

№ слайда 14
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№ слайда 15
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№ слайда 16 The Tate Gallery The Tate Gallery
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The Tate Gallery The Tate Gallery

№ слайда 17 The Science Museum in South Kensington doesn’t look very interesting from the ou
Описание слайда:

The Science Museum in South Kensington doesn’t look very interesting from the outside. Its galleries are full of objects, models which demonstrate a particular subject in science of engineering. The Science Museum in South Kensington doesn’t look very interesting from the outside. Its galleries are full of objects, models which demonstrate a particular subject in science of engineering.

№ слайда 18
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