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Презентация на тему: London museums

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Презентация на тему: London museums

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№ слайда 1 London museums
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London museums

№ слайда 2 The map for tourists
Описание слайда:

The map for tourists

№ слайда 3 The British Museum Founded in 1753, the British Museum’s remarkable collection s
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The British Museum Founded in 1753, the British Museum’s remarkable collection spans over two million years of human history. Enjoy unique comparison of the treasures of world cultures under one roof, centred around the magnificent Great Court.World-famous objects such as the Rosetta Stone, Parthenon sculptures, and Egyptian mummies are visited by up to 6 million visitors per year. In addition to the vast permanent collection, the museum’s special exhibitions, displays and events are all designed to advance understanding of the collection and cultures they represent.

№ слайда 4 The Victoria and Albert Museum The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's gre
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The Victoria and Albert Museum The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's greatest museum of art and design, representing over 3000 years of human creativity, with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity.In recent years the V&A has undergone a dramatic programme of renewal and restoration. Highlights include the Medieval Renaissance galleries containing some of the greatest surviving treasures from the period, the breathtaking Jewellery gallery and the stunning British Galleries, illustrating the history of Britain through the nation’s art and design. In addition to its outstanding free permanent collection, the V&A offers a programme of temporary exhibitions and an extensive events programme.

№ слайда 5 The Natural History museum Hundreds of exciting, interactive exhibits in one of
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The Natural History museum Hundreds of exciting, interactive exhibits in one of London’s most beautiful landmark buildings. Highlights include the popular Dinosaurs gallery, Mammals with its unforgettable model blue whale and the spectacular Central Hall, home to the Museum’s iconic Diplodocus skeleton. Don’t miss the state-of-the-art Cocoon where, on a self-guided tour, you can see hundreds of fascinating specimens and look into laboratories where you can see scientists at work.The Museum offers a wide-ranging programme of temporary exhibitions and events including chances to join experts, in the Darwin Centre’s high-tech Attenborough Studio, in topical discussions about science and nature.

№ слайда 6 The Science Museum The Science Museum is the most visited science and technology
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The Science Museum The Science Museum is the most visited science and technology museum in Europe. There are over 15,000 objects on display, including world-famous objects such as the Apollo 10 command capsule and Stephenson’s Rocket.Our interactive galleries bring to life first scientific principles and contemporary science debates. Plus, you can experience what it’s like to fly with the Red Arrows or blast off into space on an Apollo space mission in our stunning 3D and 4D simulators or watch a film on a screen taller than 4 double-decker buses in the IMAX 3D Cinema.

№ слайда 7 Madam Tussauds Filled with 14 exciting, interactive zones and the amazing Marvel
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Madam Tussauds Filled with 14 exciting, interactive zones and the amazing Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie experience, Madame Tussauds London combines glitz and glamour with incredible history.Walk down the red carpet and strike a pose with Kate Winslet, before challenging your favourite sportstars like David Beckham or Lewis Hamilton. Start your royal experience with an audience with the Queen, before planting a kiss on Prince William’s cheek.For the brave, get face-to-face with scary serial killers in our live fear experience SCREAM. After a sneaky behind-the-scenes look at how our World-renowned sculptors create the figures, relax in our taxis and relive the rich history of London.Then step up to your favourite Marvel Super Heroes before getting ready to experience the spectacular and exclusive Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie, where our Marvel Super Heroes battle it out to save London from impending doom.So, who do you want to meet?

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