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Презентация на тему: Art museums of London

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Презентация на тему: Art museums of London

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№ слайда 1 Art museums of London
Описание слайда:

Art museums of London

№ слайда 2 You will see: Museum Tate Modern; London's National Gallery; Victoria and Albert
Описание слайда:

You will see: Museum Tate Modern; London's National Gallery; Victoria and Albert Museum; Madame Tussauds.

№ слайда 3 Museum Tate Modern Tate Modern gallery is located in a former building of the im
Описание слайда:

Museum Tate Modern Tate Modern gallery is located in a former building of the impressive power, the Tate Modern is a one of the best museums of modern art in the world. It is a picture of such influential artists as Henri Matisse and Andy Warhol. The works are grouped into four thematic exhibitions - landscape, still life, nude, story. .

№ слайда 4 London's National Gallery In the Gallery of paintings by Western artists of the
Описание слайда:

London's National Gallery In the Gallery of paintings by Western artists of the period 1260-1900 years. All pictures are presented in chronological order.

№ слайда 5 Victoria and Albert Museum Victoria and Albert Museum - One of the leading exhib
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Victoria and Albert Museum Victoria and Albert Museum - One of the leading exhibition houses arts and crafts. The highlight of the collection was the "glass" gallery with its amazing staircase made of glass. As well it will be able to learn the art of India, China, Japan, Korea and many others.

№ слайда 6 Museum Madame Tussauds This is a legendary place that attracts the attention of
Описание слайда:

Museum Madame Tussauds This is a legendary place that attracts the attention of absolutely everyone. Wax Museum Madame Tussaud figure - it is an opportunity to get closer to their idols and to assess how the wax copies are similar to their favorite actors and musicians.

№ слайда 7 Work Work Larissa Sidorenko student 9 - G -2 class Lyceum of Informational Techn
Описание слайда:

Work Work Larissa Sidorenko student 9 - G -2 class Lyceum of Informational Technologies

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