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Презентация на тему: The “Troubles”

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Презентация на тему: The “Troubles”

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№ слайда 1 The “Troubles” Ethno-political  conflict in Northern Ireland(Ulster):
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The “Troubles” Ethno-political  conflict in Northern Ireland(Ulster):

№ слайда 2
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№ слайда 3 It all has began a long time ago…
Описание слайда:

It all has began a long time ago…

№ слайда 4 In 1801 Ireland became a part of kingdom… but there were no changes in their pol
Описание слайда:

In 1801 Ireland became a part of kingdom… but there were no changes in their politics. oppressions + crop failure + famine = NUMEROUS ARMED REBELLIONS

№ слайда 5 1913 – appearance of new national-militaristic organization called irish volunte
Описание слайда:

1913 – appearance of new national-militaristic organization called irish volunteers, later – Irish Republican Army (IRA). With their help several times there were formed a republic. 1913 – appearance of new national-militaristic organization called irish volunteers, later – Irish Republican Army (IRA). With their help several times there were formed a republic.

№ слайда 6 Irish War of Independence 1919-1921 21.01.1919 – Irish Republic Acts of terror,
Описание слайда:

Irish War of Independence 1919-1921 21.01.1919 – Irish Republic Acts of terror, sabotage against british police. 10.03.1920 – splint of Ireland: Southern Ireland (Sinn Fein) and Northern Ireland ( Ulster's nationalists) 6.12.1921 – recognizing Irish Republic by Britain; Northern Ireland remained the part of Britain, but people of NI were against it.

№ слайда 7 In Northern Ireland (by IRA) continued revolts, which were punished brutally wit
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In Northern Ireland (by IRA) continued revolts, which were punished brutally with English police, especially at the end of 50th-end of 60th. In Northern Ireland (by IRA) continued revolts, which were punished brutally with English police, especially at the end of 50th-end of 60th. In 1969 Britain sent its forces to Ulster. In had sharpen contradictions, also with catholic increasing awareness. But solving crisis obstructed radial parts of IRA (from 1970 – Timely IRA).

№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 NOWDAYS Undergrounded actions of right-wing radicals Clashes Religional and ethn
Описание слайда:

NOWDAYS Undergrounded actions of right-wing radicals Clashes Religional and ethnical inequality Intolerance

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