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Презентация на тему: Nikanor Onatskiy art gallery

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Презентация на тему: Nikanor Onatskiy art gallery

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№ слайда 1 Nikanor Onatskiy art gallery Sumy regional art museum named after N.Onatskiy is
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Nikanor Onatskiy art gallery Sumy regional art museum named after N.Onatskiy is a state museum in the town Sumy. It owes both: works of Ukrainian and foreign art.

№ слайда 2 Nikanor Onatskiy with his family Nikanor Onatskiy (1875-1937) is a prominent Ukr
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Nikanor Onatskiy with his family Nikanor Onatskiy (1875-1937) is a prominent Ukrainian artist and teacher. He is one of the students of Ilya Ryepin

№ слайда 3 A bit of history The museum was founded in 1920 The collection mainly consited o
Описание слайда:

A bit of history The museum was founded in 1920 The collection mainly consited of art works from private colletions, including the collection of O.Hansen The building of the museum was built by the architect G.Scholz at the end of the 19th century

№ слайда 4 Museum today The museum is located in Sumy downtown It has more than 15000 exhib
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Museum today The museum is located in Sumy downtown It has more than 15000 exhibits The gallery consists of 2 departments: the department of decorative art and the department of folk decorative art; One can find works of Borovykovskyy, Kiprenskyy, Shevchenko, Zhemchuzhnikov, Ayvazovskiy. The painting on the background was created by Cherednichenko O. and is called ‘The cape, the road’

№ слайда 5 The museum also contains a lot of ancient coins and sculptures The museum also c
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The museum also contains a lot of ancient coins and sculptures The museum also contains a lot of ancient coins and sculptures It has recently gained popularity thanks to different exhibitions

№ слайда 6 “Horsewoman”,the painting of Polish artist Julius Cossack “Horsewoman”,the paint
Описание слайда:

“Horsewoman”,the painting of Polish artist Julius Cossack “Horsewoman”,the painting of Polish artist Julius Cossack

№ слайда 7 The painting of unknown Italian author,called ‘The sacrifice of Abraham’ The pai
Описание слайда:

The painting of unknown Italian author,called ‘The sacrifice of Abraham’ The painting of unknown Italian author,called ‘The sacrifice of Abraham’

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