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Презентация на тему: Influence of the technical progress on the reading activity of the British nation

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Презентация на тему: Influence of the technical progress on the reading activity of the British nation

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№ слайда 1 Influence of the technical progress on the reading activity of the British natio
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Influence of the technical progress on the reading activity of the British nation Was done by the pupil of the 9th formSimashko ValeriyaLeader – Flintuk I.G

№ слайда 2 The aim of my research is to know influence of the technical progress on the rea
Описание слайда:

The aim of my research is to know influence of the technical progress on the reading activity of the British nation, and get a deeper knowledge in this topic.

№ слайда 3 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.(Richard Steele) different o
Описание слайда:

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.(Richard Steele) different opinions on reading

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№ слайда 6 Role of television in the peoples life Wonderful source of information: TV chann
Описание слайда:

Role of television in the peoples life Wonderful source of information: TV channels show a great variety of programmes: documentaries and current affairs programmes, feature films and comedies, soaps and police series, concerts and talk shows. The best way to spend free time99% British homes have a TV-set Every person watches TV 26 hours a week.

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№ слайда 9 The British radio
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The British radio

№ слайда 10 The Internet another important source of information. It is a computer system th
Описание слайда:

The Internet another important source of information. It is a computer system that allows millions of people around the world to receive and exchange information about almost everything. According to the statistics there are 10 million Internet users in the UK

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№ слайда 16 Types of the British newspapers QualityContain political, industrial and cultura
Описание слайда:

Types of the British newspapers QualityContain political, industrial and cultural newsDevote pages to finance matters and businessHave an undramatic design with long articlesGuardian, Independent, the Times, Financial Times, Daily Telegraph. TabloidsHave short articles about the private lives of famous peopleGive information about films, concertsReport the latest scandal or gossip in the private lives of famous people: Daily Mail, Daily Express, Today, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Sun

№ слайда 17 Magazines Radio Times and TV Times. Then comes the Reader’s Digest. What Car? Th
Описание слайда:

Magazines Radio Times and TV Times. Then comes the Reader’s Digest. What Car? The Radio Times and TV Times list details of the week’s television and radio programmes. The Reader’s Digest is a collection of features on a wide variety of subjects.

№ слайда 18 With so many modern forms of finding information, such as radio, TV and the Inte
Описание слайда:

With so many modern forms of finding information, such as radio, TV and the Internet, people read fewer books, newspapers and magazines. Nowadays, most people consider television and the Internet their most important source of information, and a majority ranks them as the most believable news source. In my opinion, we can’t say exactly which source of information is the best. It depends on what kind of information you need. However, I don’t think we should forget the educational value of reading a good book

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