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Презентация на тему: BMW company

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Презентация на тему: BMW company

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№ слайда 1 BMW company
Описание слайда:

BMW company

№ слайда 2 BMW is a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company founded
Описание слайда:

BMW is a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916 . It also owns and produces the MINI brand, and is the parent company of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Chairman of the company today is Norbert Reithofer, as chief designer - Adrian van Hoydonk

№ слайда 3 The head office is situated in Munich Major production facilities are concentrat
Описание слайда:

The head office is situated in Munich Major production facilities are concentrated in Germany (Dingolfing, Regensburg, Leipzig, Munich) and USA (Spartanburg) Also, cars are going to factories in Thailand, Malaysia, India, Egypt, South Africa, Vietnam. In Russia, BMW cars assembled in Kaliningrad (Avtotor) We have seven Overseas subsidiaries:South Africa, United States, India, China, Canada, Austria, Egypt.

№ слайда 4 Report Total staff - 100 041 people The company BMW in 2008, released 1,203,482
Описание слайда:

Report Total staff - 100 041 people The company BMW in 2008, released 1,203,482 vehicles Revenues for 2008 amounted to 53.2 billion euros, net profit - 330 million euros

№ слайда 5 Information The company is a charter member of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Описание слайда:

Information The company is a charter member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Environmental Achievement Track, which recognizes companies for their environmental stewardship and performance

№ слайда 6 Advertisement We try to use different methods to advertise our products. For exa
Описание слайда:

Advertisement We try to use different methods to advertise our products. For example: magazine, TV, billboards, website.

№ слайда 7 Motto «The Ultimate Driving Machine» «Sheer Driving Pleasure».
Описание слайда:

Motto «The Ultimate Driving Machine» «Sheer Driving Pleasure».

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