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Презентация на тему: Обувь

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Презентация на тему: Обувь

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№ слайда 1 Обувь clogs a shoe made of wood with a leather top that covers the front of your
Описание слайда:

Обувь clogs a shoe made of wood with a leather top that covers the front of your foot but not your heel court shoe [pumps] a type of plain formal shoe worn by women

№ слайда 2 Doc Martens
Описание слайда:

Doc Martens

№ слайда 3 flip-flops open summer shoes, usually made of rubber, with a V-shaped band acros
Описание слайда:

flip-flops open summer shoes, usually made of rubber, with a V-shaped band across the front to hold your feetthong [AmE] a type of shoe that covers the bottom of your foot, with a strap that goes between your toes to hold it on your foot as you walk

№ слайда 4 mules a woman's shoe orslipper that covers the front part of the foot but has no
Описание слайда:

mules a woman's shoe orslipper that covers the front part of the foot but has no material around the heel slippers / western boot mules

№ слайда 5 sling-backs peep toe sling-backs sling-back sandal a woman's shoe that is open a
Описание слайда:

sling-backs peep toe sling-backs sling-back sandal a woman's shoe that is open at the back and has a narrow band going around the heel

№ слайда 6 slip-ons shoes that do not have a fastening
Описание слайда:

slip-ons shoes that do not have a fastening

№ слайда 7 wedgesshoes worn by women, with high heels that are a solid block from the front
Описание слайда:

wedgesshoes worn by women, with high heels that are a solid block from the front of the shoe to the backwedge heels

№ слайда 8 stilettos a woman's shoe that has a very high thin heel stiletto heels a type of
Описание слайда:

stilettos a woman's shoe that has a very high thin heel stiletto heels a type of plain formal shoe worn by women

№ слайда 9 wellies a rubber boot that stops your foot getting wet wellington boots
Описание слайда:

wellies a rubber boot that stops your foot getting wet wellington boots

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