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Презентация на тему: История группы Rammstein

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 История группы Rammstein
Описание слайда:

История группы Rammstein

№ слайда 3 Background information Name group – RammsteinOrigin–Germany, Berlin Genre(s) -Ne
Описание слайда:

Background information Name group – RammsteinOrigin–Germany, Berlin Genre(s) -Neun Deutsche Härte,Tanz-Metall, Industrial metalYears active -1993 – PresentLanguage of songs- German, English, Russian, Spanish

№ слайда 4 Members
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№ слайда 5 Lead vocalTextsLip accordion Till Lindemann - 4th January 1964
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Lead vocalTextsLip accordion Till Lindemann - 4th January 1964

№ слайда 6 Lead guitarBacking vocals Richard Z. Kruspe 24th June 1967
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Lead guitarBacking vocals Richard Z. Kruspe 24th June 1967

№ слайда 7 Bass-guitar Oliver "Ollie" Riedel 11th April 1971
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Bass-guitar Oliver "Ollie" Riedel 11th April 1971

№ слайда 8 Rhythm-guitarBacking vocals Paul H. Landers 9th December 1964
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Rhythm-guitarBacking vocals Paul H. Landers 9th December 1964

№ слайда 9 DrumsPercussion Christoph "Doom" Schneider 11th May 1966
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DrumsPercussion Christoph "Doom" Schneider 11th May 1966

№ слайда 10 Keyboards Christian "Flake" Lorenz 16th November 1966
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Keyboards Christian "Flake" Lorenz 16th November 1966

№ слайда 11 Rammstein takes its name indirectly from the western German town of Ramstein-Mie
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Rammstein takes its name indirectly from the western German town of Ramstein-Miesenbach, site of a flight show disaster on August 28, 1988. The band's signature song, the eponymous Rammstein, is a commemoration of the tragedy that took place at the Ramstein Air Base. At the show, three Italian air force jets collided and fell into the audience. About 40 spectators died in the first minutes, and several hundred more were injured. In the next two months, the death toll rose to 72. The extra "m" in the band's name makes it translate literally as "ramming stone."

№ слайда 12 Style Although Rammstein is often generalized as Neue Deutsche Harte , its music
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Style Although Rammstein is often generalized as Neue Deutsche Harte , its music spans a variety of related styles, including industrial hard rock , heavy metal and electronic music with influences of punk rock , pop music and gothic rock , due to their use of keyboards to emulate strings, choirs or pianos.The band's very, very diverse range of influence has, unsurprisingly, made them appealing to tastes of all kinds, but they are chiefly renowned in industrial, electronica, and heavy metal circles.

№ слайда 13 Can be... They are cult! They are madmen! "Rammstein“ the most successful and mo
Описание слайда:

Can be... They are cult! They are madmen! "Rammstein“ the most successful and most disputable rock group of Germany and to understand their it is hard. Opinions about "Rammstein" cardinally disagree: one find their too rough, scandalous, sexual and misogynous. Others admire their unique scenic show, fantastic videoclips, severe, but not such the banal maintenance of texts. But anyway, they are group, whose songs have made the broken through in the top lines of charts of all world, whose music sounds in cult films and advertising rollers.

№ слайда 14 Rammstein was started by Richard Z. Kruspe. At that time, he was very influenced
Описание слайда:

Rammstein was started by Richard Z. Kruspe. At that time, he was very influenced by American music, especially that of KISS. After the Berlin Wall came down, he moved back home to Schwerin where Till Lindemann worked as a basket weaver, a loader and played drums in the band First Arsch .The are the best friends.

№ слайда 15 Constantly, being engaged something, Till sang, sang always loudly, and Richard
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Constantly, being engaged something, Till sang, sang always loudly, and Richard (Kruspe), listened his hours. Voice Till’s always admired his. Somehow he has brought the cassettes with new super-heavy music, and has told Till: " Sing! " Richard persuaded him three days and, at last, has convinced. I should sing constantly under a blanket since my voice awoke neighbours - spoke Till)

№ слайда 16 Texts Now about texts of songs which writes Тill: " My texts arise with feelings
Описание слайда:

Texts Now about texts of songs which writes Тill: " My texts arise with feelings and from dreams, but nevertheless it is more from a pain. To me it is often dream nightmares and dreadful dream, and I wake up at night all in sweat since he dream of terrible bloody stages.

№ слайда 17 Lead vocal Till is the vice-champion of the Europe by the swimming, till now in
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Lead vocal Till is the vice-champion of the Europe by the swimming, till now in the mornings floats on 2500 meters. Looking at his broad-shouldered and brawny figure (growth 1,92м., weight of 81 kg.) the spectator has the right to expect from him a thunderous voice in a usual life. However, Till speaks silently, a deep and gentle voice. He makes impression of the person thoughtful, almost shy and seldom smiling.

№ слайда 18 Shows Rammstein are known for their frequent pyrotechnic use.
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Shows Rammstein are known for their frequent pyrotechnic use.

№ слайда 19 Rammstein also has an asteroid named in its honor, 110393 Rammstein. Their music
Описание слайда:

Rammstein also has an asteroid named in its honor, 110393 Rammstein. Their music can be heard in films: Matrix, xXx starring Vin Diesel (2002) and many other.

№ слайда 20 Discography Herzeleid (1995) Sehnsucht (1997) Mutter (2001) Reise, Reise (2004)
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Discography Herzeleid (1995) Sehnsucht (1997) Mutter (2001) Reise, Reise (2004) Rosenrot (2005)Sixth unknown album (2008)

№ слайда 21 Eventually Although the majority of their songs are written in German , Rammstei
Описание слайда:

Eventually Although the majority of their songs are written in German , Rammstein has had massive success across the world, spanning to every nation. It has been confirmed that the band is reunited from their vacation and has begun writing their sixth studio album (they have five studio albums), which will be released sometime in 2008.

№ слайда 22 Autographes for memory
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Autographes for memory

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