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Презентация на тему: Тестирование

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Презентация на тему: Тестирование

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№ слайда 1 What is HE?
Описание слайда:

What is HE?

№ слайда 2 Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963) is a former American professiona
Описание слайда:

Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963) is a former American professional basketball player

№ слайда 3 Top 10 All Time Michael Jordan Dunks TA legend !!!!!!! He greatest player of all
Описание слайда:

Top 10 All Time Michael Jordan Dunks TA legend !!!!!!! He greatest player of all time Quick Facts NAME: Michael Jordan OCCUPATION: Basketball Player BIRTH DATE: February 17, 1963 (Age: ?) EDUCATION: Emsley A. Laney High School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PLACE OF BIRTH: Brooklyn, New York

№ слайда 4 Professional basketball player, Olympic athlete, businessperson, actor. Consider
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Professional basketball player, Olympic athlete, businessperson, actor. Considered one of the best basketball players ever, Michael Jordan dominated the sport from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s. He led the Chicago Bulls to six national championships as well as earned the National Basketball Association's (NBA) Most Valuable Player Award five times.

№ слайда 5 In 2006, Jordan bought a share of the Charlotte Bobcats and joined the team's ex
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In 2006, Jordan bought a share of the Charlotte Bobcats and joined the team's executive ranks as its managing member of basketball operations. He experienced some personal changes that same year, ending his 17-year marriage to his wife Juanita. The couple divorced in December 2006. They had three children together during the course of their marriage—Jeffrey, Marcus, and Jasmine.

№ слайда 6 Michael Jeffrey Jordan is presently an active businessman. He was a professional
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Michael Jeffrey Jordan is presently an active businessman. He was a professional basketball player in the United States and has now retired. Basketball icon Michael Jordan and his wife Juanita Jordan filed for divorce in 2006 after 17 years of marriage; the couple was married in 1989. On public record, the divorce settlement of 168 USD was the largest celebrity divorce settlement in history (when it took place). Джефри Джордан

№ слайда 7 In April 2009, Jordan received one of basketball's greatest honors: He was induc
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In April 2009, Jordan received one of basketball's greatest honors: He was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Attending the induction ceremony was a bittersweet affair for Jordan because being at the event meant "your basketball career is completely over," he explained. Outside of his work with the Charlotte Bobcats, Jordan is also involved in a number of business ventures, including several restaurants. He currently resides in Highland Park, Illinois.

№ слайда 8 “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 t
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“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”

№ слайда 9 I can accept the failure, but I can't accept not trying. Я могу принять поражени
Описание слайда:

I can accept the failure, but I can't accept not trying. Я могу принять поражение, но я не могу принять отсутствие попыток.

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