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Презентация на тему: Учимся писать Эссе

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Презентация на тему: Учимся писать Эссе

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№ слайда 1 Учимся писать Эссе
Описание слайда:

Учимся писать Эссе

№ слайда 2 Opinion essays § 1- introduce the subject and state your opinion§ 2-4 – or more
Описание слайда:

Opinion essays § 1- introduce the subject and state your opinion§ 2-4 – or more paragraphs - first viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples - second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples - the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples§ 5- summarise what you’ve said -restate your opinion using different words

№ слайда 3 ‘For’ and ‘Against’ essays § 1-present the topic and state the problem-make a ge
Описание слайда:

‘For’ and ‘Against’ essays § 1-present the topic and state the problem-make a general remark about it without giving your opinion§ 2,3 - Arguments “for”( 3 points) -Arguments “against”(3 points)(support your arguments with examples) § 4- your opinion based on the given arguments

№ слайда 4 OPINION essay Introduction ( state the topic/ problem ; you may ask a question o
Описание слайда:

OPINION essay Introduction ( state the topic/ problem ; you may ask a question or start with a quotation; state your opinion) Main Body (each paragraph should present a separate viewpoint supported by your reason, another paragraph should present the opposing viewpoint)Conclusion ( you restate your opinion using different words)

№ слайда 5 Introduction Phrases to state the topic /problem-Is too much emphasis placed on…
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Introduction Phrases to state the topic /problem-Is too much emphasis placed on……?- Nowadays, we are often told …… Every day… There is no doubt that……..- Over the past few years,……. Are you among those who……..? Why has……become…?-The British poet…once said that “….”- There are various facts that support this opinion

№ слайда 6 Introduction To express opinion- In my opinion……… I believe………. It seems to me……
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Introduction To express opinion- In my opinion……… I believe………. It seems to me…… The way I see it……..

№ слайда 7 Main Body To list pointsIn the first place… First of all……… To start with… To be
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Main Body To list pointsIn the first place… First of all……… To start with… To begin with…Secondly… Thirdly…… Finally……… Last but not least………

№ слайда 8 Main Body To add more points to the same topicWhat is more… Furthermore ……. More
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Main Body To add more points to the same topicWhat is more… Furthermore ……. Moreover……… In addition to this…. Besides……… Apart from this……….

№ слайда 9 Main Body To introduce contrasting viewpointsIt is argued that……. People argue t
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Main Body To introduce contrasting viewpointsIt is argued that……. People argue that……. Opponents of this view say ………There are people who oppose……… Contrary to what most believe……….

№ слайда 10 Main Body To introduce examples for example……… for instance… such as…….. in part
Описание слайда:

Main Body To introduce examples for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………

№ слайда 11 Conclusion To concludeto sum up…….. all in all ……….. all things considered…....
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Conclusion To concludeto sum up…….. all in all ……….. all things considered….... on the whole………. in conclusion ……… taking everything into account………/ as was previously statedAll in all, I still feel that the benefits of ……..outweigh the disadvantages.

№ слайда 12 "Having a pet is good for you." 1 In my opinion, owning a pet teaches children t
Описание слайда:

"Having a pet is good for you." 1 In my opinion, owning a pet teaches children to become responsible adults.2 In addition, a pet can be amusing.3 However, pets need a lot of care and attention.4 What is more, certain pets can be useful if you train them properly. .5 On the other hand, pets can be a nuisance.6 Firstly, a pet can |e good company.

№ слайда 13 More phrases Another good thing about … is that … The second reason for... It is
Описание слайда:

More phrases Another good thing about … is that … The second reason for... It is often said that... It is undeniable that... It is a well-known fact that... For the great majority of people... We live in a world in which... A number of key issues arise from the statement. For one... One of the most striking features of this problem is... First of all, let us try to understand... The public in general tend to believe that...

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