TAG QUESTIONS With verbs to be, to have and modals
Структура вопроса Утверждение Краткий вопрос
Вопросы с глаголом to be He is a doctor, isn’t he?They are in the park, aren’t they?Bob was in Paris, wasn’t he?My parents were at home, weren’t they?Nick isn’t at school, is he?Polly and Ann aren’t students, are they?
Вопросы с глаголом to have Mum has a book, hasn’t she?Dad has a car, hasn’t he?Bob and his friend haven’t bikes, have they?
Вопросы с модальными глаголами She can speak English, can’t she?Liz must do it, mustn’t she?Pete may not go home, may he?
Ответ на TAG Подтвердить или опровергнут информацию, содержащуюся в кратком утверждении. Например: известно, что Дон- пилот и у него есть самолёт.Don is a pilot, isn’t he? Yes, he is.Don is a teacher, isn’t he? No, he isn’t.He has a plane, hasn’t he? Yes, he has.
Sources http://www.brainybetty.com/ backgroundshttp://www.eslbase.com/grammar/tag-questions ruleshttp://www.grammar.cl/Intermediate/Question_Tags.htm ruleshttp://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/buscar.asp?nivel=any&age=0&tipo=any&contents=tag+questions#thetop exerciseshttp://www.google.ru/search?tbm=isch&hl=ru&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=845&q=disjunctive+questions&btnG pictures