The Numeral
Numerals are divided into cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
There are simple, derived and composite cardinal numerals.
The cardinal numerals from 1 to12 as well as 100,1000 and 1,000,000 are simple.
The numerals from 13 to 19 and those indicating tens are derived (derivatives-похідні).The numbers from 13 to 19 are formed by adding the suffix –teen to the corresponding numbers of units.
They have two stresses:on the first syllable and on the suffix.f.E fifteen, nineteen
The cardinal numerals indicating tens are formed by adding the suffix – ty to the corresponding number of units.They have the stress on the first syllable.
The numerals consisting of tens and units are spelt with a hyphen.In the composite numerals denoting numbers greater than 100 the conjunction and is used before the tens ( or before the units if there are no tens).
When the numerals hundred, thousand, million are preceded by another numeral, they turn no plural ending –s.When they are not preceded by other numerals, they turn into nouns. In this case they take the plural ending –s and are following by a noun with the preposition of.
The ordinal numerals with the exception of the first three are formed by adding the suffix –th to the corresponding cardinal numeral.
four –fourthfifteen-fifteenthfive – fifthtwelve – twelftheight – eighthnine –ninthsixty - sixtieth
one – firsttwo – secondthree – thirdtwenty-one –twenty – firstthree hundred and sixty-four –three hundred and sixty-fourth
Is it the fifth or the sixth lesson?-The sixth.Page twenty-five.Part three.Chapter six.Act two.Room one hundred and ten.Size thirty-seven.
1917 –nineteen hundred seventeen or nineteen seventeenthe seventh of December orDecember the seventh nineteen seventeen
In common fractions the numerator is expressed by a cardinal and the denominator by an ordinal numeral.If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator has the plural ending –s.
1/7 –one seventh3/7 –three seventhsa or one halfa or one quarter1 ½ -one and a half3 4/5 –three and four fifthsthree fifth of a tonfour and two third tonsone ton and a half orone and a half tons
35.204 –three five point two nought [nↄ:t] four( in America zero [ziərou])0.357 – nought point three five seven or point three five seven
0,56 -point five six of a meter2,56- two point five six meters