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Презентация на тему: Modal Verbs

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Презентация на тему: Modal Verbs

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№ слайда 1 Modal Verbs
Описание слайда:

Modal Verbs

№ слайда 2 We use must: To express obligation, necessity and duty. You must wear a helmet w
Описание слайда:

We use must: To express obligation, necessity and duty. You must wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.( You have to wear a helmet.)To express that it is necessary to do sth. I must water the plants. (It's necessary.)For positive logical assumptions. She must be an actress. I've seen her on TV. (I'm sure she's an actress.)

№ слайда 3 We use can't for negative logical assumptions.Jack and Paul can't be strangers.
Описание слайда:

We use can't for negative logical assumptions.Jack and Paul can't be strangers. They've been next door neighbours for years.( I'm sure they aren't strangers.)

№ слайда 4 We use mustn't /can't for prohibitions.You mustn't /can't park your car near a b
Описание слайда:

We use mustn't /can't for prohibitions.You mustn't /can't park your car near a bus stop.( it is forbidden to park there.)

№ слайда 5 We use have to to express that it is necessary to do sth( especially when somebo
Описание слайда:

We use have to to express that it is necessary to do sth( especially when somebodyelse other than the speaker has made the decision.)I have to stay late at work tomorrow. ( My boss told me to stay.)

№ слайда 6 We use don't have to/ needn't to express lack of necessity.I don't have to / nee
Описание слайда:

We use don't have to/ needn't to express lack of necessity.I don't have to / needn't do the shopping. I've already done it.( It isn't necessary for you to do it.)

№ слайда 7 We use can/ could /may/ might to ask for permission.Could /May /Might are more f
Описание слайда:

We use can/ could /may/ might to ask for permission.Could /May /Might are more formal than can.Can I go to the park?Could /may/Might I take next Monday off?( Is it permitted for me to…?)

№ слайда 8 We use can / may to give permission. May is more formal than can.Of course you c
Описание слайда:

We use can / may to give permission. May is more formal than can.Of course you can use the phone.You may leave your luggage here, sir.(You are allowed to…)

№ слайда 9 We use can't/ mustn't /may not to refuse permission. May not is formal.f.E. I'm
Описание слайда:

We use can't/ mustn't /may not to refuse permission. May not is formal.f.E. I'm afraid you can't stay late tonight.You mustn't watch TV after 9pm.You may not write in ink during the test.( You aren't allowed to…)

№ слайда 10 We use could /may /might to show that something is possible or likely.f.E Tom co
Описание слайда:

We use could /may /might to show that something is possible or likely.f.E Tom could/ may /might still be at school.( It is possible that he is still at school.)

№ слайда 11 WE use would /could/ can to make a request.f.E Could you open the door for me, p
Описание слайда:

WE use would /could/ can to make a request.f.E Could you open the door for me, please?

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